Chapter 17 - I Hope I Made You Happy♥

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(okay. HOW did I manage to leave both this chapter AND the next one as drafts and not even realize it -- I am so SO SORRY - I pormise I'll make sure to double check next time!!!!!!)

"Why, you ask?" An adult woman with dirty blond hair, tied in a braid which rested on her shoulder, asked, caught off guard by the question of the small child beside her.

"Mhm. I wanna know!! You always seem so happy when you save people! I wonder why you wanted to become a hero." Said child exclaimed in this innocent cheerfulness that little kids seemed to lose as the years went by. As the woman blinked in surprise once more, she remained quiet, collecting her thoughts and browsing through them in search of a satisfactory answer.

"I got it!" Finding just the right words, she put on a big grin and explained back to the child just as excitedly. "It's just really cool! Every time I do something nice I always feel so awesome when I remember that I've helped someone! So one day I just thought – hey, I can make this my job, can't I? How cool would that be!! And bam – here I am today."

The child's eyes sparked all throughout her mother's explanation, captivated by her cheerful face and energetic words. But as soon as silence set in once again, a glint of confusion appeared in the big green orbs.

"That's it...?"

"Did you expect something fancier? Sorry, Atsuhi. It's just that simple!" The woman kneeled down in front of the little girl and gently reached out her hand to pat her blonde head. "But it doesn't have to be complicated! In the end, all that matters is that you save people!!"

The spark of fascination returned to the child's eyes, as she balled her hands into little fists and excitedly waved them around in front of her tiny body.

"Well, I wanna be a hero too!! And my reason is simple too!" The woman let out a tender laugh and curiously inquired.

"Oh, and what is it?"

"It's 'cuz of you and Dad!" As she accentuated with a small jump, the little girl leaned in closer towards the woman, barely enveloping her in a hug with her short arms. "You two are heroes and you're really cool! I wanna be cool like you too!!"


A young teenage girl sat still, her watery green eyes unmoving, as her shoulders were tense by her side, hands tightly clutching her dirty skirt. Everything around her was a blur. Both literally, as the tears welling up in her reddening eyes blurred her vision, but also figuratively.

People were dashing around all over the place, their bodies nothing more than hazy shapes in the eyes of the girl. Shouts and calls filled the air, all of them blending together in an indistinguishable mess of noise.

Lights. People. Alarms. More people. Questions. Even more people. Tears.

Did she even realize what happened? What was happening? What was going to happen?

She was crying. Or was she now? She didn't even know anymore.

All alone. No one approached her. Not yet at least. Though what good was it going to be anyway? Not like she'd be able to say anything.

She was sobbing. Quietly. Sniffing too. Hiccuping. Whimpering.

She wasn't thinking. Her mind was blank. A white canvas. A white canvas that was soon going to be tainted. With tears. With blood. Both painting pictures. Pictures of memories.

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