Chapter 12 - A Recipe For Disaster

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Hmph, why is everything already going wrong...?

An exhausted sigh escaped the blonde female's lips as she slipped off her soaking wet shoes in exchange for the warm indoor pair waiting for her in her locker. Thankfully, when she found out it was going to be a rainy morning, she remembered to bring some spare socks in the very likely case that hers were in the same condition as her shoes by the time she arrived at school. And oh, was she glad right now.

It was such a... moody morning. The sky was this unpleasantly dark shade of gray that just sucked the life out of everything, the sound of the pouring rain muffled the surroundings and left only a feeling of isolation from the business of the city, while everyone passing by was just a body, largely obscured by a looming umbrella. And this was not the kind of morning Atsuhi needed right now.

It's not that she hated rain. Nothing of the sorts. But she wasn't feeling exactly great right now and could desperately use some cheering up. And what did the weather decide to do? Well, but of course, it decided to accurately reflect her current feelings!!

Highlight of the morning, however, was without a doubt the random conversation she had had in the train before arriving to school. Whether that'd be considered a perk or a downside, it was a fact that participants of the sports festival were easily recognized by anyone who had watched the event and had a working pair of eyes.

So, she was traveling timidly, head in her own world, completely unaware of her surroundings, when a small group of a few men and women in business suits, who looked to be traveling together somewhere, had spoken up to her, asking her to confirm if she really was the Saeki Atsuhi from the festival. After her shy nod of agreement, the group proceeded to excitedly exclaim how well she had done and praise her skills. In the process, their conversation also attracted other unsuspecting passengers and by the time she got off the train, everyone within hearing distance from where she had been sitting bid her goodbye and wished her good luck.

Is that what heroes go through every day? I mean, it was kinda cool but I don't think I can handle being this exhausted every morning before school even begins.

And then two seconds later.

Wait, I don't think heroes travel by public train, do they...

There was also one more notable thing Atsuhi decided to forget about. Anyone who saw it would've probably arrived to the same conclusion. In the end, it might've been only Atsuhi herself that didn't realize it. Thus, the older woman who had commented about there being a little something more between the girl and her spiky-haired friend was swiftly forgotten.

In the end, the dreary weather had caused something in Atsuhi to snap, but in the sense that her mind drifted off far away and she was kind of just... floating along. Following muscle memory to get her from her home to school, except her system was as if shut down and she was moving a lot slower than usual. Instead of arriving a few minutes early and chatting with some friends until Aizawa's inevitable arrival, she walked into the classroom just as the bell rang, missing out on all the fun. As things were, it was a miracle she hadn't missed her train in the first place.

Now, school was typically exhausting. No surprise there. But today, it was likely worse than ever. She had picked herself up to an extent, though it took multiple calls with her dad and actually sleeping it off to feel even a little better. But she still wasn't alright. The Hero Killer returning was still scary. She was still scared.

She knew she was safe here. But that didn't change a thing. Just the thought alone was enough to keep her up at night. However, she also didn't want anyone to worry. She was sure they all had plenty to deal with already. Thus, she was forced to plaster a fake smile on her face, adhering to her normal expression. A person or two would likely see through it but they'd also know the reason behind it. The rest were going to be fooled. She hoped, at least.

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