Chapter 1

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A figure was walking along the hallways of a house. Creeping up to a royal blue door and opening it quietly. He looked inside and saw his goal sleeping on a bed. He tiptoed up to the bed and pounced on the heap making the figure underneath give out a yelp.

"Haha, I got you." the figure under the blanket pulled the item away from his face to reveal Exe. A half demon, half mortal hedgehog and he wasn't happy.

"D, couldn't you have let me sleep?" Dll, his older brother, was pushed of his twin and pouted.

"Oh, come on X, it's just a little fun." Exe sat up and looked out the window of his room.

"It's the middle of the night!" he half whispered half yelled "Let me sleep!" he curled back up in his comforter but Dll sat on top of him.

"I'm not going to leave until you get up." Exe glared at his brother and gave a low growl.

"Your such a kid. Can't you ever grow up?"

"That's rude since we're twins and at least I'm the one enjoying life to the fullest." he crossed his arms

"One, fullest isn't a word and two, if you want to play, then let me sleep!" Dll sighed and got off the bed but sat on the ground next to it.

"I came to get you cause I couldn't sleep." he sighed again "And the council asked for us." that made his brother sit up and stare wide eyed at his twin.

"The council!? Couldn't you have told me that first!?" Exe jumped out of bed and put his gloves and shoes on then raced out the door.

"And you call me the childish one." Dll laughed and raced after his twin.

The two brothers raced through the town in their home planet, Athens. They came up to city hall, were the paranormal council would meetup and discuss topics about various things. They both walked in and came up to the double doors that the group was waiting behind. Exe hesitated before looking at his brother.

"What do you think they want to see us about?"

"I'm not sure but it sounded urgent." Exe sighed then opened the double doors. They both walked up to the council who stopped talking to see them come in. The paranormal council was made up of a vampire, a werewolf, a witch, a wizard, a kitsune, a ghost, a god, and a demon. Each coming from there own home planet to another to have different meetings.

"Sir's, madam's, you wished to see us?" Exe asked

"Yes we did." the wizard answered

"We understand that it has been two months since you have come back to Athens from being a hero." the vampire started

"But, we'll get right to the point." the werewolf finished "There has been some strange things going on at the planet Earth."

"Strange, how?" Dll asked

"There is no signs of life." the witch said making the twins go wide-eyed

"No life!? But my mortal friends live there." Exe almost yelled. A hologram appeared of Earth and had no red dots on it. Another planet appeared and it had lots of red dots.

"As you can see, Earth has no dots, meaning no life. But at the same time, the planet, Mobius has gained a massive amount of life at the same time that Earth has lost it." the kitsune said

"We want you two to investigate this mystery and report your findings back to us." the ghost said. The two brothers looked at each other before looking at the group.

"Is that all?" Exe asked

"No, we also understand that you have been having some problems with your insanity, Exetior." the demon said "But you can't let it get a hold of you."

"I'm trying to get that under control. I really am."

"That's good but you have to remember that Frank is always watching." the god said making both brothers nod. "Be vigilant and careful, the both of you. You are dismissed." They left and the council started to talk again.

"Earth and Mobius? This can't be a coincidence." Dll said to his brother as they walked outside. "What do you think the problem is?"

"I don't know but I have a bad feeling that my friends are in trouble." Dll opened a portal overhead and they flew through.

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