3k Imagine

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Hey guys so I said I would make an imagine for 3k so here it is!! I hope you guys like it. Also if you want an imagine dedicated to you comment your name, what you want to happen in it and any other info you would like me to add.

Don't forget to vote, add to reading list and all that JAZZ!

I love you guys so so so so much and thank you all for 3k again it means the world to me!!!

~ Valeriya <3



Your POV:

I made my way to school reading my book in the process but something caught my attention, Jc was at the bus stop looking at me.

See I live far from my school so I have to walk 10 minutes to the bus stop and the 20 minutes on the bus itself, and Jc takes the same bus.

He's been my crush ever since I can remember maybe grade 3 but I'm not too sure. I'm the school nerd though and he's the most popular guy in school.

He always looks at me, probably because I'm such a loser, there's no way he would like someone like me right?

Jc'c POV:

I was waiting at the bus stop when something caught my eye, Y/N. oh god she's so beautiful. Her cute square glasses, how she's always reading, everything about her is flawless. All the guys at school make fun of her though. Kian and Cameron, two of my best friends make fun of her A LOT! And I don't even try to stop them, I just look at the ground and play with my fingers.

But today will be different. I'll try to do everything with her, sit on the bus nest to her, eat lunch, anything to try and tell her that I like her. Since we live in the same neighbourhood I'll walk her home from school and since she walks by a park on the way home. I'll ask her to be my girlfriend there.

"Hey Y/N!" I said excitedly and walking closer to her.

"Uh hi." she said looking down at her hands.

So far it's not starting out well. We just stood there in an awkward silence which seemed like forever. The school bus finally arrived and me and Y/N started walking towards it. I was in front of her but when the doors opened I stepped aside and let her go on first.

She lightly smiled at me and made her way on the bus, showing the bus driver her pass. I went on and showed my pass and made my way behind Y/N. I already heard people calling her ugly, stupid, gay, loser. It made my blood boil. I just wanted to punch them, I heard Kian and Cameron make some remarks as well.

She found an empty seat and continued reading her book. Kian and Cameron finally made eye contact with me now that Y/N moved out of their view. they signalled for me to sit with them but I froze in my tracks.

I'm. Not. Sitting. With. Them.

I turned my head a little to where Y/N was sitting a couple seats back. I turned around not making a second thought and sat in the seat next to her.

"Hi again!" I said smiling at her. she looked up shocked to see me.

"Ok what's up did the guys dare you to sit with me or something?" she asked closing her book and turning towards me.

"No, I just wanted to." I said as both of us blushed under my comment. We talked on the whole bus ride to school.


We talked so much during school, I sat next to her in all the classes I had with Y/N, I walked her to other classes I wasn't with her, and I sat with her at lunch and now I'm waiting for her near her locker until she comes and I'll walk her home.

I see her walking with her book but when she's coming closer I see, Becca one of the schools mean girls go up to her and push her over. No one even notices or cares. Everyone was hurrying to get home I guess. By now the hallways are empty. I run up to Y/N.

"Oh my god Y/N are you ok? I saw what Becca did just now!" I said helping her pick up her books she was holding. When she was walking towards me before she had the biggest smile on her face but now it's just tears. My hand lightly brushed against her's which made me blush a little but I

got over it, took all her books and somehow helped her stand up considering I had my hands full.

"I got them don't worry." I said looking at her as she tried to grab the books from me. We walked the rest of the 2 sec walk to her locker and she opened it and put the books away, got her bag and phone and whatever else she needed to take with her.

We started walking to the school exit in silence until we noticed it was raining. I only had my jacket and Y/N had nothing other then her light blue jeans, thin maroon sweater and some old white converse.

I on the other hand was wearing my jeans, timberlands, Rolling Stones shirt and my varsity hoodie. I looked at Y/N and took off my hoodie and handed it to her.

"No Jc your gonna be cold." She said handing it back but I didn't take it.

"As long as your ok, I'm ok." I said. I took her bag and let her put on the hoodie. When she was done I slung her backpack along with mine on my back and picked her up bridal style.

"Jc what are you doing?" She said giggling a little, man I love that giggle.

"Your feet are gonna get wet more then mine so I thought I would carry you, plus it will be fun." I said as I opened the door and began to run with two back packs on my back, a beautiful girl in my arms and no umbrella.

I ran all the way until the park and Y/N was laughing the whole way. I set her down and when she pulled her self together she finally realized we were under the park gazebo. She looked at me and smiled.

"Thanks, your right that was fun." She said blushing a little and laughing with it.

"No problemo. So uh Y/N I wanted to ask you something." I started a little nervously.

"Yeah what is it Jc?" She said curiously.

"Wi-will you maybe possibly, uh um want t-to be my girlfriend?" I said not looking at her eyes. Before I knew it her lips were on mine, I was surprised yet I kissed back anyway. So there we were standing under the park gazebo in pouring rain kissing.

Man do I love this girl.


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