Epilogue 2

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Neil went table aside and poured water in glass and gave it Avni. Avni was only looking at him. Neil took at sit beside her and looked at her.

Neil : Avni whatever you believe men's are not always true but this is what you think then i don't know what I could do for you. Always remember my family is yours too. I will not snatch them from you.

Neil left her hands. Avni kept staring at him. Neil saw this but didn't say anything.

Neil : Avni sleep!

Avni quietly lyed down and closed her eye. Neil was seeing her.

Neil povs:
I can't even hate you. You don't know what I felt knowing your past.avni you have suffered a lot but not anyone more. I will do everything for you but I can't give your chance to be in my life because I want you to trust me first then I will heartily accept you. I don't know if you really love me or you scared of losing my family. Avni don't know what will happen now but one thing I know you will love you and give me chance. I am waiting for that.
End povs:
Neil kissed her forward left from there.

It's was midnight where Neil was thinking about avni.he was standing in his balcony and watching at the sky. Someone reason it gives him peace.he was busy in his world when he felt someone presence. He turned to see Bebe standing holding coffee.

Neil : Bebe you didn't sleep.

Bebe : how can I sleep When my grandson is stress.

Bebe held his hand and drag him to him and made him sit.

Bebe : Neil I am not saying after happened with Avni and you was correct but beta try to understand her too. She was broken herself. You know you left she was more broken then any one, she had believed you will come for her and her love. I am not saying you should not follow what you heart is saying but think what would you do if you were in her place. I have seen her broken down. She gathered everyone up but she forget her self to live. Neil think before you take decision. Sleep now.

Babe left and Neil was thinking about Bebe words. Without thinking he too his car and left.

He walked inside and smiled Seeing her sleeping. Neil sat beside and starts admiring her. While he was admiring his eye fell on opened drawer. He walked to see but what see made him more shock. Never in his life he thought this day will come. He picked the bottle and read. avneil23 thank you this idea.

Neil : anti depression pills. Avni why you did this.

Tears slipped from his eyes.

Neil povs: god she is taking anti depression pills. This is all my fault. I shouldn't have fallen for her. She was already broken but now I broke more which for this I hate myself. It could be better if Avni doesn't love me because I don't want her to suffer more. Avni please forgive you if you can but not any more I make you cry. I will let you live in peace now. Last time I want hug before I go.
End povs:

He was crying silently but didn't want to her live complicated.
He looked at and saw her sleeping with dried tears as he knew she cried after he left her. He knew she won't share her pain to anyone. He again sat beside her and led her hand. He brought her hand towards his lips and kissed with tears. He kissed her forehand followed her cheeks. He was controlling his tears . He wanted someone to console him but it's was more important to give his happiness to Avni.last time he looked at her. He again kissed her and left from there.

As he left Avni opened her eyes. She was pretending to sleep. She felt her throat dried up. She hasn't hot idea about Neil knowing pills but she could guess he was doing to something.

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