Chapter 6

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Neil finally has realised his love for you Avni. Today he was going to propose her but didn't know what storm is coming in his way. Neil found information about avni and knows where she lives and who with, he also
Has meet niti twice and told her what he feels about avni.
Niti already knows about Neil plans so she is helping Neil.

Let's see what is mr lover is doing!

Neil is in farm house.he was getting prepared for his proposal but didn't know what will happen to him. He puts the light on, while he was doing this when his phone rang. He took out his phone and niti number.

Neil : what happened niti

Niti : Neil Avni isn't home yet.

Neil : what do you mean! She doesn't have any concert today!

Niti : Neil I think she probably went to beach.

Neil : beach?

Niti : she always goes there!

Neil : do one thing. Go to beach and get her home then give her dress which I gave you. Until I will check arrangement here.

Niti : she will be there after hour.

Neil : when she leaves house then text me .

Niti : ok Neil!

He cuts call and continues what he was doing.

At beach Avni was sitting Alone and watching seashore. She was thinking about how her life is she become famous singer and how she fulfil her dreams. She went to flashback when she was 10 years old.


A couple was in their room when 10 years old girl walked in and sat between her both parents.

Her mom: Avni what happened.

Avni : mom I am confused!

Mom : why beta

Avni : my friends knows what they will be after they grow up but I don't have clue about my career.

Her parents looks at Avni.

Dad : princess don't worry you will do business with me.

Avni : I don't like business. It's too much stress. Maa help me!

Mom : my Avni will become famous. You have amazing voice in you. So why don't you try to become singer. I know my daughter will make me proud.

Avni smiled as she always wanted to be singer. She hugged her mom.

Avni : I love you maa.

Dad : only maa not me!

Avni breaks hug from her mom and moves to her dad and hugs him too.

Avni : I love you too dad.

Flashback ends.

Avni : maa, you were right my professional was to be singer but singing only reminds me of you. Why you left me because of him. I used to Love you both but now much I used to love him I hate him so much. Because of him You left me.

Her words were heard by niti who to see Avni. Niti went to Avni and tapped her shoulder. Avni turned and saw niti.

Avni : when did you come.

Niti sat beside.

Niti : when you were taking to yourself. Avni forget past. I know it's hard, I feel you but looks at me I don't care what my parents did to me but I am Always happy because you know why?

Avni : why?

Niti : because I found you as my parents, sister and best friend. I don't cry because I have you.

Avni : you right!

Niti : let's go home. We need to my friend party today.

Avni : niti please not today!

Niti ; madam no excused today.

Avni : ok fine I will come.

Niti smiled. Both left beach. When they reached niti handed Avni dress and told her to get ready. While niti messaged Neil saying Avni is coming.
After few minutes Avni came wearing pink with blue gown. She had less make up on. Niti smiled seeing her.

Niti : you look very beautiful!

Avni : thank you. Shall we go!

Niti nods. Niti took driver sit while Avni sat the back. Before driving niti texted to Neil about their leaving.

Both reached half hour. Both came out of the car. Avni looked around and different.

Avni : are we on right location?

Niti : yeah we are! Avni you go inside until i will park car!

Avni : no wait we will together.

Niti : go inside I will come.

Avni nods and starts walking. Niti went home. Avni was walking but couldn't see as it's was dark. She reached at door step and opened, when she opened she was shocked to see all the decoration and the saw her Person standing there . Then lights came on. Now she got clear venison of that Person and saw guy . She went to him and tapped his shoulder. He turned. When he turned Avni was shocked to see him. She remembered seeing him in one of her concert. Before anything could she say Neil hold her hand sat down on his knees.

Avni looks at him.

Avni : what are you dining?

Neil : shhh, let me speak. You don't know me but I know you very well. I just wanted to say when I saw that day playing with children. That day I feel in love with you. Yes I love you miss Avni. When I found that I love you that day my happiness was no bound, from that day I try finding you but couldn't find you. Remember your concert when finally saw you and found out your are famous singer. You know when I looked at you I wanted remove your pains. I don't know what pains you want through but I promise I will erase all those pains. Avni will you give me chance to be your partner. I love you so much.
Saying that he took out ring from his pocket. Avni stood there shockingly. Seeing ring all the memories of her mother and father came front of her. She got very angry seeing all this. She jerked the ring and threw it. Neil was shocked seeing her like that.

Avni: mister don't you dare to show Your face again. I hate the word "love" don't ever expect me to love you or anyone. Listen never think that I will give you chance. I don't care what made you fall me but I will not accept not only but all the boys. I don't want to makes mess before I do something just get lost.

Neil stood there looking at but didn't know why she didn't accept him. He went to her and holds her hand again.

Neil : why can't you love you. What is missing in me.

Avni : just get lost you!

Neil holds and pulled her to him. She jerked him and slapped cross his face.

Avni : don't you dare!
She stormed out from there. Neil sat on his knees and cried out.

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