Chp. 1: The Recruitment

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"My God!" Normani exclaimed. "Why must it be this hot out here!?"

Dinah chuckled while catching up with her girlfriend, grabbing her hand and lacing their fingers together.

"Babe stop being so dramatic. For one, it's the middle of the day. Which means the sun's at its highest peak, which also means that it's the hottest part of the day. Secondly...we're in Montana. What other temperature did you expect to be working in?"

Normani poked the blonde in her side, causing the Poly to let out a tiny squeak and giggle before she was pulled into her girlfriend's side. The ebony brought a loving kiss to Dinah's cheek as she brought her arm around her neck.

"You're lucky I love you so much," she whispered tauntingly.

"Please," Dinah scoffed before pecking the ebony's lips, "like you have much of a choice."

Normani Kordei Hamilton and Dinah Jane Hansen were two of the top paleontologists in their field. They, along with their team, were constantly doing digs across the midwest of America, discovering new fossils, small bone structures that explained certain dinosaur characteristics, and they were on top of the newest technological advances to help their digs.

While Normani's expertise was pre-historic and cretaceous animals, Dinah's was plants from the same era. She was a double major in college, majoring in paleontology as well as paleobatony. Normani, believe it or not, was Dinah's professor for one of her classes. While they both knew the consequences for getting involved with each other during that time, it didn't prevent their wandering eyes from taking in one another's beauty every day they saw each other. So after Dinah graduated, her and Normani sparked their relationship. A year and a half later, they were working together in the field that they loved.

"So," Dinah said as her and Normani continued to walk to their team's meeting tent, "you think this new computer's gonna find something about our latest dig that we might've missed?"

"Wouldn't doubt it," Normani answered. "I mean, grant it, we are pretty accurate when it comes to prehistoric findings, but I guess it doesn't hurt to double check right?"

"Absolutely," Dinah smiled.

Normani smiled back before giving the blonde a small peck on the lips. Their team's tech engineer, Sam, beckoned for them to gather around the newly shipped monitor. Connected to it was a metal detector. Once one of the diggers brought the equipment over an area of dirt, the computer monitor brought up the image of a full-body structured fossil of a velociraptor.

 Once one of the diggers brought the equipment over an area of dirt, the computer monitor brought up the image of a full-body structured fossil of a velociraptor

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Dinah looked at the monitor, her eyes gleaming at the sight of something that they indeed overlooked in the past regarding this very creature. But knowing how enthusiastic her girlfriend was on sharing new knowledge, she eyed Normani with a knowing smile.

Normani was extremely focused on the image, but once she saw that tiny bone structure, her face brightened up as she let out an excited giggle.

"We were right..." she uttered in disbelief, " God...WE WERE RIGHT!"

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