The destruction of the Watchtower

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In this universe Laurel Lance is still alive, Barry and Iris are just brother and sister not married, Oliver and laurel are dating not Oliver and Felicity (I don't dislike felicity or Olicity but Laurel and Oliver work better for this story but felicity will still be in it) and Mon-el already had to be sent away. The Legends will be in this but not as much as the other characters.

The icy landscape shimmered in the distance as Kara stood in silence mourning her fallen cousin. She watched the puffs of breath as they enter the air while her cape hung silently behind her.

"You do know there was nothing you could do, right?"

Kara didn't turn to face Barry but replied

"It was my fault he was there. The only reason any of us were at Lexcorp was that I said that we should go."

"Kara that's not true and you know it"

Barry moved forward as kara turned around and stared blankly at him.

"Isn't it though? I was the one who said we needed to go after Lex at that moment. If we hadn't maybe Kal would still be alive".

Kara turned back around and made her way out of the fortress as tears started to form in the corners of her eyes.

"Kara I-"

"Barry. Stop."

Kara then took off into the air leaving Barry in the empty fortress.


Kara entered the Watchtower with haste after finding out what Lex Luthor had planned and searched for Harry Wells for something to help neutralize Luthor's weapon.

"Kara what's going on, Are you alright?"

"I'm fine Winn, Wheres Harry?"

"Uh in the command center with Oliver and Barry, I believe, why?"

"I'll tell you after just get everyone out of here safely".

"Uh Okay, good luck I guess."

"Harry we have a problem with Luthor"

Kara slammed the plans she had been given by Lena when she infiltrated her brothers large Metropolis tower.

"Ah! Danvers good day to you as well. What's this? Some kind of weaponized ionic plasma cannon?"

"Yes and it's In Lex's tower pointed directly at the watchtower. It's already completed and prepping for launch now. We sent Lena in too late."

"Fine, I believe I should be able to create some sort of ion stabilizer to counterbalance the cannon, therefore, rendering the blast useless and nothing more than a fancy light show. But as I do that I'm going to need Flash, Superman and you to be on the ground clearing Metropolis and all the surrounding cities because if this fails the debris will enter the atmosphere and crash into the nearby cities"

"On it. Barry lets go get Kal and get these people to safety"

"Kara we need you back at the watchtower. We finished the stabilizer. Flash keep getting the civilians to safety" Cisco broadcasted over the com system

"Ok, Wells I'll be right there. Kal meet me at Lexcorp" Kara responded

"Alright, I'll see you there, be careful." Kal replied.

Kara landed on the roof of Lexcorp and saw Kal-El already engaged with some guards who Lex had sent up after him. She took this opportunity to laser a hole in the glass and enter the Lab building almost undetected. Kara made her way over to the large piece of artillery in the center of the room as the roof started to open up so the laser could fire. Although Kara had no knowledge of this while this was happening Lex Luthor was entering the room holding a large kryptonite spear. Kara got up to the machine and started to mess with the controls trying to find a place to plug in the stabilizer when she heard a scream. She turned around to see Lex Luthor charging up to stab her with a kryptonite spear. Before she could act Kal had dived in front of her and been stabbed through the chest.

"No Kal!"

Kara picked Luthor up and sent him flying into the wall knocking him unconscious and then she dropped to her knees.

"Kal, please. Don't go."

"I- I'm sorry Kara. I love you. Tell Louis I love her too. Goodbye-"

Kal's eyes gloss over and his body goes limp as a large green light envelops the area.

"No! The machine!"

Kara dashes to the large cannon and tries to find anywhere to plug the stabilizer into but it's too late. The large beam shoots into the sky and collides with the watchtower turning it into many pieces that come hurdling towards the earth.

"Kara! What happened are you ok? The beam still fired!"

"Barry get out of the city NOW! I didn't get the machine shut down in time go!"

Kara took hold of Kal's lifeless body and took off into the sky and placing him safely in Coast City before going back to try and soften the debris impact on the city. As Kara placed her hands on the underside of the first piece of flaming metal it barely slowed down and shoved her down towards Metropolis downtown.

"Barry, it's not stopping did you evacuate all the civilians?"

"What? No, I didn't have time Kara you need to get out of there it could kill you"

"I need to try Barry"

Kara used all her strength to give one last push which slowed the debris down more but not enough. Suddenly Kara's arms gave out and she blacked out, she and the space junk plummeted to the ground and collided with the daily planet building which toppled to the ground enveloping the city with smoke. 

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