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Cheryl Marjorie Blossom. From an outsider's perspective she looked like the perfect girl- 4.0 GPA, captain of the Cheerleading squad, popular and stunning. She was a natural beauty, no makeup needed. Well..apart from her iconic red lipstick of course. And she knew it. She knew she was gorgeous, that's why she always swayed her hips as she walked and flicked her head to the side effortlessly. She loved attention. She craved it.  But to a lot of people..she wasn't anywhere near as beautiful on the inside as she is on the inside. If you really got to know the REAL Cheryl, all you'd see is a vulnerable, broken but also a sweet, caring magnificent girl. But how many people actually got to see that side? Hardly any. To most people, Cheryl is a heartless monster but in reality, just the mention of her brother Jason can set the girl off. Oh how she missed her brother. She'd reminisce about her and Jason, mostly as kids though. Because those, THOSE were the happy times. Consisting of laughter and joy instead of gunshots and blood. Life and Death. But he's gone, and the rest of the Blossom family are a bunch of snobby and heartless, yes heartless, monsters. But not Cheryl, and certainly not her Nana Rose. But Penelope Blossom? Oh she was certainly heartless. Well not when it came to Jason of course, he was the apple of her eye. But to Cheryl? Well that's a different story. Constantly berating her for the smallest things and all Cheryl was left with was questions. What did she do wrong? Why did her mother hate her? And so on. On a good day, Cheryl would only get away with a small mark on her wrist or scratch marks from her mother's sharp nails on her ivory skin. But Cheryl had learned not to focus on the negatives. That only bought her down and made her think about her brother again. So she focused on the positives. Correction..positive. There was only one person allowed. One person allowed to see that girl. One person allowed to see beneath that cold exterior. One person allowed to see the REAL Cheryl Blossom. And that was her best friend.

Toni Topaz.

Fuck, Cheryl could talk about her best friend all day. Cheryl despised talking about herself but when it came to Toni? She could write you a 1,000 word essay on how amazing her best friend was. That's how much she meant to her. And she could only hope that the feelings were reciprocated. The girl only had to look at Cheryl to know she's not okay, but all those people who saw Cheryl everyday not once saw beneath the facade. But that's what makes Toni different. Unique. She saved Cheryl when she didn't even know she needed saving herself. Without Toni, Cheryl didn't know where she'd be. Probably under the ground, next to her brother and his grave. Forgotten about. At first, Cheryl treated Toni the exact same as she treated everyone - pushed them away..or at least tried to. But it didn't work with Toni, she saw the pain in her eyes and knew she had to help. And as for the red head..Cheryl thought Toni was..perfect. But of course no one is perfect. Not even Toni Topaz. She had demons of her own that she battled with on a daily basis, that no one, but Cheryl knew about. Toni slept around with random people, mostly girls, and the pure reason for that was shelter. Otherwise she would've found herself sleeping on a park bench with rapists and murderers lurking at every corner. Sounds fucked up. But that's her life.

That's their lives.

A/N: This is only the prologue guys but I really hope you enjoyed it and if you did, then YAY! I know I'm not great at writing so if y'all have any advice or anything, don't be afraid to leave it in the comments or message me. Thanks for reading ♥

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