Enter: Osako Taketsu

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I'm sorry ko

"I'm at the end of my rope, Naruto. You failed the graduation test last time and the time before that. Tomorrow you've got another chance and you're messing up again." i woke up to the loud voice of iruka sensei yelling at Naruto. 

lifting my head to see whats going on, only to see Naruto tied up on the floor "Hmph" was the response sensei got from Naruto as he looked away with a pout.

what did he expect, after yelling at him in front of everyone

Iruka sensei dramatically yells "Fine! Because you missed it Naruto, everyone will review the transformation jutsu!" 

this is such a waste of time, I don't hate the kid just wish he wouldn't rope everyone in on his mess

The class gets in line to preform the justu. A girl with pink hair goes first."Alright, Sakura here! Let's do it. Transform!" She transforms perfectly into Iruka. "Transformed into me. Good." iruka sensei complements and she changes back "Yes I did it!" "I kicked butt!"  Sakuri thought "Sasuke, did you see that?" she asked trying to get his attention only to get nothing. "Way to go sakuro chan your the best!" *clap* *clap* *clap* was the over excited cheer and painfully fake applause she received from me.

 "Way to go sakuro chan your the best!" *clap* *clap* *clap* was the over excited cheer and painfully fake applause she received from me

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Sakuru being used to it said nothing but adapts a sour look on her face.

"Next...Sasuke Uchiha." Sakura goes to the back of the line and Sasuke steps up. He also transforms perfectly sending a side glance Osako's way, almost daring her to say something, making the urge to do so even harder to resist.

 "Hey sasuke" she started getting his attention he could tell by the look on her face that it wasnt good "i think your loosing your touch, wouldn't want me to beat you now would you" she couldn't get more smug those two are always competing for the top score.

 "Hey sasuke" she started getting his attention he could tell by the look on her face that it wasnt good "i think your loosing your touch, wouldn't want me to beat you now would you" she couldn't get more smug those two are always competing for th...

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picking up a smug look himself, Sasuke shot back "I'd like to see you try" getting oh's from the fan girls "oh really cause i don't think i'll even have to try to beat you, Sas-uke-kun" Sasuke doesn't get to reply for Iruka's calling up the next student

"Uh, good. Next Naruto Uzumaki." Iruka sensei called out to the angry Naruto standing next to the  blond pig and the Nara genies Shikamaru

"This is a total waste of time Naruto."  

"We always pay for your screw-ups."

they were right but not even I would call him out like that

"Like I care." He walks forward and attempts the transformation. 

"Transform!" A large amount of blue chakra emits from Naruto and he transforms into a beautiful, naked girl. He winks and blows a kiss. Iruka flies back blood shooting from his nose.

"Ha ha ha ha! Gotcha, that's my sexy jutsu!" Naruto laughs but Iruka sensei doesn't see the humor in it

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"Ha ha ha ha! Gotcha, that's my sexy jutsu!" Naruto laughs but Iruka sensei doesn't see the humor in it.

"Cut the stupid tricks! This is your last warning! "

The next day at the academy...

"We will now start the final exam. When your name is called proceed to the testing room. The final test will be on the clone jutsu." 

When it was my turn to take the test I simply made three clones of myself and tied my new headband to my fore arm.

Later at the ceremony i saw Naruto on the swig alone looking all sad he must not have passed I don't have anywhere to go so might as well be nice for once.

 I walk over to the kid hands in my pockets with the coolest look on my face "hey kid didn't pass did you?" well when I said nice I ment this "huh, who you calling kid" he said in a pitiful voice *sigh* he doesn't even have the emotional energy to sound angry guess I should at least try.

 "Aren't you the kid always boasting about how you'll be the future hokage?" i said tauntingly just to get a rise out of him. "last time i checked you don't get there by giving up do you?" he shock his head giving you his attention "them get off your ass and stop moping around." 

finishing up my pep talk, looked down to him for a response but we were rudely interrupted by some weird looking dude I'm pretty sure I saw in the testing room. "I'm sorry to cut this little chat short but i need to speak with Naruto, alone." The guy says i just shrug it off an go home.  

-at home-

Sensei left me here to make friends but I barley even talk to those people and if i do its not all that nice don't get me wrong I'm a big marshmallow at heart its just hard to be nice to such idiots Shio sensei should had known this wouldn't work .

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