sasuke and sakura: friends or foes

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I can't do it anymore, I'm sorry ko.

Osako has been up for hours researching and hypothesizing about the tailed beast, how to make one, and the best way to seal them. 

Osako has always been looking for ways to get more chakra so some day she'll have enough for saij mood, but for now she just has seals on all her chakra points (courtesy of Shio). The chakra seals she has collect chakra and store it.

Osako's P.O.V. 

Its finally time to start making my way to school, I really don't want to but today's the day we get are teams. I wonder how I'll be with, personally I would chose Shikamaru and Shino maybe Sasuke if he wasn't so stuck up.

 Shikamaru because he's a genius and seems to be easy to get along with.

 Shino because he's also a genius and he's quiet too. Plus though's bugs of his would be amazing to have at my disposal I learned all about them while researching his clan.

 As for Sasuke he's smart,  strong and will get even stronger but he's to confident. i'll blame that on his Uchiha heritage. His inability to work with a team would make him a liability. 

Walking into the academy I stop before the door to brace myself for all the stupid beyond it but I end up getting trampled by a big fore headed pinkette and a blonde pig.

 Getting up irritated and pissed that i now have shoe prints on my kimono (up top) there is no reason to wonder why i don't try the whole friend thing. Finally get myself back together I'm a little taken aback to see Naruto here.

 Naruto at the moment is up on the desk in front of Sasuke glaring at him with Sasuke glaring back. "Naruto stop glaring at Sasuke" one of the girls scolded hows name i honestly can't remember. 

I make my way to my seat next to Kiba the dog boy while still paying attention to the glare off "seeing how long they've been staring into each others eyes like that, I'd think there in love." I muttered smugly earning a chuckle from Kiba.

That is until the guy in front of the pair stood up knocking Naruto into Sasuke I watched in amusement as Sasuke and Naruto locked lips and of course i took out my camera (because its anime and you can pull things out of thin air) and snap a few pics of the lovely couple before they broke away shouting.

 "EW GROSS MY MOUTH IS ROTTING OFF" came from Naruto and "ill kill you Naruto" from Sasuke. sensing danger Naruto turn his head to find the enraged glares of Sasuke's fan girls who I can imagine are thinking, 'Naruto that idiot he stole sasuke kuns first kiss' though he didn't he just stole a normal kiss the girls then proceeded to kick the kids ass guess they don't support Sasuke having a homosexual relationship on the side. 

I spaced out there getting and idea of making much smaller version of a tail beast.I  toned back in After hearing my name from Iruka "and Osako Taketsu" he then went on to list the rest of the groups starting with team 8 so I geuss I'm in 7 but with how.

I'm laying on the roof of the school eating my lunch that consists of rice and some curry I made last night.

 the suns hitting me just right and life is great, I was about to fall asleep when a voice interrupts me, great. note the sarcasm "um h-hey Osako you w want to have lunch with me"

I look up to see the most adorable thing it's my little darling Hinata.

"to cute" she got all flustered from my complement. "w-w-what" she stutters and avoids eye contact.

oh how cute

she make my heart pump shes just to so pure "well of course I'll eat with you hinata, your just the cutest aren't you" I tease just to make her blush more "um okay O-Osako san"

I continued to tease her as we walked over to the group she came from arriving just in time to see Naruto sneak up on Sasuke, after some time Sasuke came out the window alone.

Walking into the building I saw Sasuke leave from, ready to help Naruto only to find Sasuke all tied up and defenseless.

"oh he got you huh, I guess that little jerk is smarter than i thought" I said and did what any normal person would do seeing Sasuke like this. I walked over and straddled him getting a glare as he struggled beneath me.

"calm down love I have something to show you" I said with an evil look making him still

"you see I was watching you and Naruto's little moment earlier and thought you might like it documented" I taunted showing him a picture of him and Naruto's kiss.

"you see I was watching you and Naruto's little moment earlier and thought you might like it documented" I taunted showing him a picture of him and Naruto's kiss

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  "I'm a little surprised your into guys seeing as you enjoyed our kiss so much" I continued to tease as he picked up on the struggling again

"ggrrhm" "huh what was that you want another one?"


"well okay I guess I'll give it to you" taking of the tape he opened his mouth to talk but he didn't get the chance before I locked my lips with his but they soon turned to wood.

I didn't have much time to think before being aggressively pinned to the ground by a blushing Sasuke "give me the picture" he demanded "aw Sasuke your blushing could it be you liked it" i teased ignoring the demand "i hate, you give me the picture" he tried to deny

"fine I'll give it to you but didn't that little kiss bring back memories" I hand him the picture and he gets off walking away with just a "hn" I'm proud of myself but i should probably get back.

"Hey Sasuke, whats your deal" no response "hm okay"

Meany, ill get something out of you

"hey Sasuke" "hn"

good enough

"um, i have something for you look" perfect plan. As Sasuke looks over to see nothing in my hand I lean in and plant a kiss right on his lips pulling away to see a combination of emotions on his face; anger, confusion, and embarrassment.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01, 2020 ⏰

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