without an alibi

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He was an embarrassment.

At least, that's what Rez had said.

Jack knew that Ally would never admit it.

She loved him too much to do that, plus she thought he was still too fragile to even give him the slightest bit of criticism.

The girl acted like he was a cup that was filled too full, just waiting to be spilled.

He hated that.

He hated that she felt as if she needed to walk on eggshells around him.

It made him feel like a little child, and useless.

But most of all, a burden.

Ally deserved better than him.

He was very aware of that.

In fact, that's mostly all he thought about.

How much of a ball and chain he was to her.

How much she would be able to accomplish if he wasn't here, weighing her down.

The only thing he was proud of was getting her noticed in the first place.

But, knowing Ally, she would have eventually made it to fame anyway.

He punches his steering wheel then, a brief beep! from the horn echoing through the night before the pain blossoms through his fist.

Jack doesn't notice it though.

He's too caught up in his own mind, something he does all too often.

The man stumbles out of the truck and slams his door shut, instantly regretting it when his headache makes itself known.

With his pill bottle gripped in one hand and his belt in the other, he staggers toward the garage, avoiding Charlie, who's whining at the front door.

Better to get it over with.

Jack lays his belt and the pill bottle on a table and surveys the garage, taking in his motorcycle and his barely-used tools.

Ally loves his motorcycle.

Maybe she could learn to ride it sometime, just so it wouldn't go to waste.

That's when he realizes.

Ally would never forgive him if he didn't leave a note, if he didn't leave at least something to tell her goodbye.

After a quick search in the garage, Jack finds that there are no writing materials in there, so that means he'll have to go in the house.

And face Charlie.

"Hey buddy," Jack whispers as he steps in the front foyer. Charlie wags his tail and sits, seeming to want to play.

His owner sighs and leads him to the kitchen, where he gets the box of treats out of the cabinet and throws him one.

Hopefully, he'll be satisfied long enough for the man to write the letter and slip out.

The dog distracted, Jack shuffles to the music room to grab a pen and some paper, because God knows Ally has enough of both to last them an apocalypse.

He doesn't stay long; looking at the piano makes him think of Ally, and thinking of Ally makes him start to second-guess himself.

In the kitchen, Jack stares at the paper, trying to force himself to think of something to write.

I love you, he writes but quickly scribbles it out.

I'm sorry? Nope.

Please forgive me.

I know I'm an awful husband but...

Why did you marry me in the first place?

Jack marks out all of these and crumples up the paper in frustration.

How was he going to write a good-bye letter to the love of his life if he couldn't even get one sentence down?

He opens the trash can to throw the paper away and start fresh when something catches his eye.

It's a piece of plastic, about the length of his hand.

At first, he has no idea in the world what it could be.

He couldn't recall ever seeing one before.

The man cautiously picks it up and examines it. Turning it over, he gasps and drops it.

As he scrambles to pick it up he racks his brain to try and figure out what it all means.

Two lines, two lines, what did that signify?

One meant positive, right? Or was it negative?

He clutches the plastic stick in one hand as he digs through the trash, desperate to find its original packaging.

Come on, come on, he thinks, praying that it's buried in there somewhere.

By this time, Charlie is done with his bone and has come to watch his owner dig through the garbage, cocking his head as trash gets thrown in the floor during his daddy's search.

Gotcha! Jack thinks as his hand closes around a box.

He pulls it out and flips it over to read the back.

Two lines, two lines, he repeats to himself, and when he sees what it means, his heart drops.

Two lines mean pregnant.


His sweet, sweet Ally.



we love short chapters :,) anyway. y'all should have seen this one coming. (like, honestly if you didn't u are lowkey dumb, i'm sorry i don't make the rules) but that's beside the point.

oh also go follow me on instagram, i guess. my user is @dxamondheart. also twitter if ur feelin' generous. i need attention or i die. that is all. thank you sm for reading. xx

~ grace

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