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~3ed Person~

~The group all got some dinner and when to rin's dorm building to play truth or dare~

The group sat in a square, girls on one side guys on the other.

"Who is going to start?" Shima asked.

(( S= Shima.   R= Rin.  I = Izomo.  Shie= shiemi you'll see in a sec..)))

"who is starting?" Rin asked looking over to Izomo. " I'll go first...Rin truth....or dare."


"Nehehehehe" Izomo laughed ( if you get that your amazing..)

At that moment, Rin new he fucked up.
"Sit on Shima's lap for the rest of the game!" Rin face was red and he hide his face away from shima. "Come on don't be a baby..." Izomo  naged as she kicked his foot. "Ow..my foot" Rin cried.

After a  few minutes rin finally did the dare and sat on Shima's lap. Rin face was slightly red. Izumo took out her phone and took a picture. Rin sighed and shima just put his head on rin's shoulder. "What are you doing?!" Rin asked turning over to him. "I'm just tired right now alright..."  He sighed lifting head head off rin's sholder. "Sorry to inter up your bonding moment but it's your turn" Izomo said giving a little smile. "Yeah yeah what ever...um shiemi truth or dare?" She thought for a few minutes .." I'm going to be brave so dare!" Rin smiled" eat a spoon full of hot sauce with no milk..." She went blank for a second staring into space. Shima started laughing. " Good one rin" He manage to say still laughing. Rin smiled. "I'll go get the stuff.." Izomo said getting up and going to get some hot sause.

"Why rin.." Shiemi finally said. Rin started laughing (don't for get he is still sitting on Shima's lap . HA GAYYY)

" I'm back here shiemi.." Izomo gave the spoon with a lot (I mean a bug spoon with a lot of hot sauce on it) to shiemi. She quickly at it. She basicly exploited and ran off.

After shiemi got back, depression with her mouth still burning, sat down and they continue.

After a few hours rin got tired and fell asleep. "Um guys..rin's out for the night.." Shima added as he held rin around his waist so he wouldn't fall forward. "Why dont you bring him to his room? Then well head home.. you can do that cant you, shima?" Izomo explained as she got her stuff together. "But rin is- never mind, i just...ill see you later." Shima added as he moved rin to bringhim to his room (it was just down the hall)

Izomo and shiemi left, leaving shoima to deal with rin. "Great..." ~he sighed and pucked him up almost dropping him, but he made it to rins room and put him down. He sighed. "God rin you need to cut off the eating..." rin moved slightly in his sleep and turned to his right (facing shima). Rin smiled in his sleep. Shima's looked off out the window , with a slight red on his face, and then to a clock. "Holy crap its 12:03 Am.." he whisper to him self. He left rin and used his key to get to his dormitory. Once he crossed he went straight to bed only thinking of the double date. "What hold up, did izomo set me and rin up?" He questioned. But he forgot as soon as he fell asleep.

((Ehhh sorry if this is short...i wrote this really fast so there wore a LOT of errors... sorry ill be updating stuff as we go along cya))


Word count: 606

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