Chapter 8

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Ravens pov

"raven..... Raven... Come on get up." I heard a soft voice call.

I opened my eyes a bit to see Ashley's face. I turned to face the clock and saw that it was two o'clock in the afternoon. I jolted up.

"where's..... Never mind." I Changed my mind, I didn't want to be a control freak.

"Andy? I have no clue, probably passed out at the party house."

"party house... Really?" I asked hiding a smile.

"you have no clue how many parties we have do you?" he asked laughing. I looked down at my wrinkled dress and sighed, I had no clothes to wear today.

"oh we called your sister and she brought some of your things." he told me showing me a suitcase.

I crawled over to it and took out my black skinnies and a ripped misfits white t shirt. I paired it with my combat boot, since I had to wear the ankle brace I could only wear one, and my leather jacket. I made my way to the bathroom and changed. When I walked out I heard the news,

"rockstar scandal, the voice's Juliet Simms is seen with Romeo, the couple was seen in each others arms leaving a mansion. In other new...."

I stared blankly at the t.v

"raven.... Hey raven.... Come here" Ashley tried

I stayed put and held back the tears. I turned towards him a tear running down my cheek,

" I... Uh... I'll see you later ok?" I forced a smile, and grabbed my crutches. Halfway to the door Ashley stood in front of me.

" don't go, come on, it's just the media, the portrayed everything wrong I bet you."

" I'd appreciate it if you let me leave." I mumbled

"I don't think so, ok your upset and your not going anywhere." he took my crutches and swallowed me in a hug, which only made me cry more. Just then the door knob jiggled and Andy walked in all happy-go-lucky. His smile faded when he saw my mascara running down my face. He ran up to me and tapped Ashley on the back. Ashley let go and turned around.

"oh uh hey there buddy..." he said nervously.

Andy looked at me, " who did this to you?" he asked angrily

"you did." I spat with venom in my voice. If you could kill with looks Andy would've been dead the second he walked in the door. I quickly grabbed the crutches and practically ran out the door. I got in the elevator and caught my breath. I heard footsteps coming down the hallway but it was too late. The doors were already closing. I saw a hand come down and try to stop the door.

"raven!" Andy shouted

The door closed despite Andy's attempts and he slammed his fist onto it which made me jump.

Some time had passed as I sat in the elevator, not ready to move yet.

What if Ashley was right? What if the media and done this? I can't just walk away. I opened the elevator doors and slowly but surely made my way to the hotel room. I knocked and the door and was immediately greeted by Andy's saddened face.


"Ashley told me what happened."

"I came to apologiz-"

"do you not trust me?" he interrupted

"of course I-"

"then why we're you worried about me and Juliet?"

" I don-"

"trust me, you don't trust me. and I don't know if I can be with someone who doesn't trust me."

My world was spinning. I had done this to myself, there was no one else I could blame. I had let my stupid actions get in the way.

"oh...ok.....uh.... I'm really.... I uh.... Need to go" I searched for words but none were good enough. I begged the tears to keep from spilling over, to spare me from more embarrassment. I spun around and walked away. Once I had made it to my house I slowly made my way upstairs and let my tears flow.

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