Chapter 19

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WARNING: this chapter is shitty, I had writers block and idk what to do... I'm sorry :(

Today is the big day. Ben is coming over before the show, and if everything goes as planned Zaniah will go to the show with him and hang out afterwards. Eeeeeeeepppp! I'm so excited for her. My phone buzzed. 

Ben: Hey black heart, where did you say to meet you at? 

I toyed with the thought of meeting him at the diner but decided if he got angry or anything he could just go into my room at my apartment.  

Me: just at my apartment, is it ok if I have someone over too? Don't worry it nots a crazed fan ;) 

Ben: wait so no groupies? Well I guess I'm out. :D ill be there soon rave. 

Me: later gator :) 

I was so nervous for Zaniah. I hope she isn't to mad at me for going behind her back to do all this.

"Ravennn!" Zaniah shouted. 

"What's up Z-Man?" I smirked. 

"Don't use that nickname! Oh, and someone's is at the door." She informed me. 

"Ok, I'll get it. Can you get some things out to drink?"  

"You betcha" she smiled, heading off into kitchen. I ran to the door and pulled it open quick.

"Aye black heart." He smiled. I shushed him and then panicked. 

"Why do I need to be quiet raven?" He questioned my actions. 

"I- uhm- have a huge headache. C'mon we'll go sit down." I pulled him to the couch. 

"Z-Man?" I called, and she ran into the living room. 

"Ye-" she started but stopped in her tracks. Ben was quick to stand up. 

"Z-Zaniah?" He stuttered. 

"Ben." She breathed. He ran his hand through his already tussled hair. 

"How are you?" She asked awkwardly. C'mon Ben be nice to her. 

"I'm great how are you?" He asked politely. I could he was happy and pained at the same time to see her. 

"I'm good. Hey raven, can I talk to you?" She asked me. I nodded slowly. 

"What the hell is this?" She whisper shouted. 

"Zaniah, please-" I started. But before I could finish she pulled me into the biggest hug. 

"Thank you." She whispered. I nodded and smiled. We walked back out. Ben sat on the couch looking like his thoughts were eating him alive. 

"Oh shit, I forgot to get food. I'll have to run to the store. Be right back." I excused and ran out the door.

3 hours later.

I walked aimlessly around town, glancing into shops and people watching. I had to buy them some alone time, I would hate to be the reason they weren't making out yet. I popped into a little boutique that reminded me of the time that Sammi, Ella and I all went out to the mall and got makeovers. I smiled sadly to myself and then snapped out of it. 

'Your fault, raven.' My thoughts reminded me and I nodded at them.  

"Hello!" A bubbly, bright blue eyed, blonde employee of the boutique greeted. 

"Hi." I smiled. 

"Can I help you find something?" She offered. 

"Uhm... Dresses?" I thought I could possibly buy one. 

"Of course! Right over here." She directed me to the back.  

"Thank you!" I dug through the multiple dresses and found none. I sighed and walked out of the boutique. Time to go home. I have given them well over enough time. I walked back to my car and sped to the grocery story. Picked up a few alcoholic drinks for Ben, some cheese cubes because they are addicting and WAYYY better than normal cheese, and whatever else I could find. I pushed the 500 ton shopping cart back to the front of the store and paid the cashier. When I walked out of the echoing store full of beeps from the scanners I searched the almost filled parking lot. Finally finding my car, I pushed the shopping cart fast and then proceeded to stand on it like a child. I stuffed most the bags in my trunk but as I grabbed the last one the bag busted at the seams.  

"Shit!" I shouted.  

"Uh, here.." Said a familiar voice. I turned quickly and was greeted by my ex boyfriend, Andy. 

".... Andy? What are you d-doing here?" I stuttered. 

"I'm on tour with Asking." He explained. 

"Did you plan this?" I squinted my eyes at him and hid a small smile.  

"Yes raven. I made sure that one of your bags would bust so I could find you." His voice fill to the brim with sarcasm and i laughed. 

"Oh hush and hug me." I ordered. He did as I said without question and quick.  

"Missed you raven." He mumbled. 

"I missed you too..." I said quietly. 

"Why'd you do it?" He blurted, I looked up at him in surprise and saw a flash of anger in his eyes. 

"Um, I uh. I needed to do something for me. Something that-" I started but was quickly interrupted. 

"Why did you make it seem like you had fallen off the face of the planet?"  

".... I thought it would make it easier. But Andy I have to go home..." I hinted at him that I needed to leave. 

"Tomorrow. Day off... Meet you at the bus?" He verified the plans he just came up with. 

"Fine." I waved goodbye and hopped into my car, pulling away as a few tear slid down his face. Here I am, leaving him again. Wasn't once hard enough? I thought 

'Youll see him tomorrow dipshit.' My inner voice mocked.  

What if... I don't go? I kept thinking. I could finish school and have my own recording studio in L.A. And be successful. I brushed off every thought as I walked back into the apartment, knocking first. You can never be too careful. 

"Come in Raven." Zaniahs voice came. I walked through the door carrying a majority of the grocery bags. 

"Five hours... For grocery shopping eh?" Ben remarked. 

"I couldn't decide, shut up." I smiled. 

"Yeah sure.." Zaniah winked.

Love Isn't Always Fair ~Andy Biersack love storyWhere stories live. Discover now