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"You're shitting me, right?" Jin groans when his brother finally arrives.

"Hey, I can help with the kids." Jungkook shrugs, looking at his brother in a blue checkered apron and wooden spoon in hand.

"I'm sure taking care of little shits isn't too hard." He shrugs but suddenly jumps when a much smaller Yoongi peaks from behind Jin with a glare.

"Those little shits are my kids, thank you very much." He growls and Jungkook shrinks under his harsh stare, "But, you're lucky I need help. Get in." He turns suddenly, leaving Jin to smacking Jungkook with the wooden spoon with a clean thwak!

"Uncle Jungkook- oh no." Minjae was in the middle of greeting him when his eyes get wide, hand to stomach and running towards the bathroom.

"DADDY! BATHROOM!" He screams and Yoongi is quick to get up and follow him.

"HOLD MINSEO!" He orders Jungkook as he runs into the bathroom, setting Minjae on the toilet. Soon gagging and throw up sounds were heard.

"Oh baby... There you go, let it all out..." He hears Yoongi murmer as he walks past the bathroom. Apon arriving the couch, he spots the other toddler scrunched into a ball. He can hear her cries, they weren't loud but he knew she wanted to cry louder.

"Hey uh-"

"Uncle Jungkook?" She sits up but starts crying as small cramp errupts from her tummy and Jungkook cautiously sits next to him. She throws herself over his lap like how her Uncle Jin has her do.

"Pat and rub her back softly." Jin instructs from where he's at in the kitchen. Jungkook follows his directions, stifling a laugh as a small toot comes from her diaper clad bum. Soon starts crying, saying her tummy hurt. Jungkook looks panicked as he doesn't know what to do.

Small pitter patter of feet was heard and Minjae soon sits down next to Jungkook, a pink blanket in tow. The elder watches as he pulla a pillow next to him and pats his sisters on the back of her thighs.

"Minseo. Come sit with me." He says and she nods, laying over his legs, head on pillow. He lifts her shirt to just above her belly and starts to run her tummy as she whimpers in pain.

"Uncle, can you put her blanket over her?" He asks Jungkook who just puts the blanket over the both of them. He was stunned that the twin knew what to do, taking care of his sister so diligently.

"W-will you be okay?" He asks Minjae who just nods. Minseo lets out a burp, making Minjae crack up.

Jungkook makes his way to the kitchen where Jin was cooking and Yoongi was getting Minseo's medicine.

"I'll give Minseo a bath after dinner, do you mind watching Minjae?" He asks Jin who waves him off.

"I got it. We might just use the bathroom a few times." He chuckles and Yoongi wrings his neck of stress. Jungkook watches for a moment, finding that the light made him somewhat angelic.

"I don't know how you do it." Jin mumbles, spooning porridge into the children's bowl so that they can cool down. Yoongi pops bread into their two pair toaster and leans on the counter.

"Me either.... You should have seen Minjae ealier. He was absolutely hectic when he found out he had to eat toast all day. He loves food so much. Minseo wasn't any better, she was devastated but sucked it up." He chuckles and closes his eyes to rest a bit, unaware of Jungkook's wandering eyes.

"I can barely stand Jungkook and he's a full grown man." Jin says making Yoongi burst into laughter. Jungkook who now leaned against a wall i hiding only smiled. He didn't want to leave but he didn't want to seem creepy by just standing there.

"He doesn't seem to like my kids." He can hear the frown in the father's voice.

"He uh- he's not good with kids. He's only here because he's the only 22 year old I know that doesn't know how to cook."

"I didn't know how to cook at his age either." Yoongi says and Jin chuckles.

"I remember. But, you actually tried to learn how to cook."

"Only because I didn't want my kids eating the same greasy, preservative filled junk I was."

"That makes you a better dad than most already." Jin says softly and Jungkook pushed himself off the wall and wonders back to the kids. Minjae was still rubbing his sister's belly who only pouted.

"What are you watching?" Jungkook asks, sitting next to them.

"D-documen... Documentat..."

"Documentary." Jungkoom filled in for Minjae who nodded.

"About noodles." He says, his eyes never leaving the screen. He watched as men pounded the dough with wooden blunt stakes. They were going over how they made certain noodles and their timeline.

"You don't want to watch Pororo or something?" Jungkook asks, a little weirded out that a kid liked this so much.

"I hate that show." He says instantly and Jungkook watches with wide eyes as the other twin agrees, tears still making her vision murky.

"How do you hate Pororo?!" Jungkook gasps. Everyone loves Pororo.

"It's stupid." Well, except him.

"And for babies." And her.

"You both are babies?" Jungkook questions, confused by Minseo's statement.

"Physically." Minjae says and Jungkook just gets up, completely weirded out by the two and entered the kitchen once more.

"I just had a conversation with the twins that they physically are babies. But, that implies mentally, they are not." Jungkook looks at their father who was putting food on their trays.

"Minjae, right?" He asks, chuckling when Jungkook nods.

"That boy is just trying to be older than he is. He is very much, mentally and physically a baby. He just doesn't like cartoons. Neither does Minseo but I think it's because there's too many high voices."

"They only teach me about friendship and problem solving. My daddy does that and I'm good at it, so I don't need to learn more." Minjae says, appearing next to Jungkook, his hand in Minseo's. She kept sniffling and Jin picks them both up.

"Alright, smarty pants. Let's eat." He says and sets them in their high chairs, bare legs sticking out.

"Your food." Yoongi sets their trays down and put bibs on them.

"Toast?" Minjae groans, a cry on the edge of his lips.

"You have porridge but it's still cooling down. Eat that first to see how your tummy in doing. Then after-" Yoongi holds the syringe up. "- Minseo needs to take medicine."

"B-but I already took it!" Now, her face scrunched up as she began crying while eating her toast.

"Ah, ah! You're gonne choke." Jungkook watches as Yoongi hurries to her, cheeks in hand as he leads her.

"Chew chew and swallow." He softly says, making sure she follows before bursting out into tears.

Jungkook's eye twitches, now becoming irritated with the constant crying.

"Look! Look! Uncle Jin gave you porridge!" Yoongi says as be shows the bowl of porrige.

Minjae quickly dug in, watching in amusement as his sister threw a fit, picking up her bowl and throwing it right at Jungkook.

The lukewarm sludge slowly ran down his cheeks before collecting with the majority of the bowl on his chest.

"Min Minseo,say you're sorry and you're going in the corner."

Jungkook turns red as peircing screams fill the air and hes reminded once more.

I fucking hate kids.

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