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Breaking news: Kim Taehyung out of mental institute!

     A big congratulations to Kim Taehyung! He had officially signed himself out, and states that he had the needed help and he's ready to continue life on his own.

     He says that he needed time to himself, get professional help and fix what needed to fix. He spreads word that self love and self care is important. We must learn to love ourselves before advancing to spread out love onto others.

     We support you, Kim Taehyung! Congratulations once again, on your new found set on truth.

(A/n: this next few articles are not written by Min)

Breaking news!: kids missing but still time for a scandal?

     Seems like with the kids gone, Min Yoongi and Jeon Jungkook have time to sneak off!

     On the day of Kim Taehyung's release, Min Yoongi meets up with him for ice cream. Should a parent of missing twins be going out for ice cream with some one,' let alone someone who once loved you?

     Don't go putting all the blame on Min Yoongi as Jeon Jungkook is seen with ex, Kim Yujun. They have been spotted almost everyday, holding hands and being very close to each other. In a recent interview they stated that both of them were close to Kim Yujun. Close enough to kiss?

What's going on with these two? Where's the twins? Are they even concerned?

Youtube: Say goodbye to Daddy and Papa

"Say bye~" a voice behind the camera says.  The camera shows the twins, both of them dirty and hair tangled but they were dressed up and a bit decent.

"Bye~" Minseo waves with a gleaming smile. Minjae cutches his teddy, eye wide and alert. Scared. Gleaming with tears.

"Why don't you talk anymore, baby?" She uses her finger to playfully nudge the bottom of his chin with the pad of her fingertip. The small movement causes tears to fall from his eyes. You can see Minseo stare at him, emotionless.

"Oh, don't cry now. We're gonna go see your new daddy and be a happy family!" She says with joy, cheering over a new life. A bit of black hair falls into the screen.

She focuses the camera on the crying child a bit more. Bruises from her constantly clutching his jaw with her hand was seen in purple and green, blooming just under the skin.

"You always didn't like me." She grumbles and moves onto Minseo.

"Say bye, baby girl."

"B-bye! Bye bye! Mommy will take good care of us! Promise!" She looked much healthier than Minjae.

"Thanks, Min Yoongi. For giving me the family I wanted."

And the camera shut off.

Alright, so next chapter will be the Q&A! There's only a few chapters left of Two!

Any predictions of how it'll end?


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