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He's never had someone to come home to before. He has Duke, of course, and Calum loves his old man of a dog with everything he has, but never another person. Calum never dwelled on it, though; never really gave himself time to consider that he came home to an empty house that only ever came back to life whenever he returned from tour. It had always been the same thing; pictures on the walls being of his family and the boys, framed 5 Seconds of Summer records, and the few plants he had scattered around sometimes green and alive thanks to one of his close friends watering them every so often.

He met her, two years ago, and then a while later did Calum realize how relieving it was to come home to someone every time.

"You know, I had a dream my money plant started growing actual money and you took the whole thing and ran off."

She turned around, keeping her obvious excitement at his return at bay as she raised her eyebrows. Crossing her arms over her chest and jutting her hip out, Y/N tilted her head as she asked, "Is that your way of saying your subconscious thinks I'm a gold digger?" Her lips curled into a smirk. "'Cause it might be right. If that thing ever grows some Benjamin Franklins, I'm gone and taking it with me."

Calum didn't bother trying to fight off the grin threatening to grow on his lips, allowing it to relax his expression as he dropped his duffel bag on the floor by the door. He absolutely loved that he could say stupid shit like what he just uttered and be met with just as much amusement and sass by the woman in front of him. "Knew you only loved me for my money plant," he hummed, lazily sauntering further into the room.

She met him halfway in the middle, her pouting lips quirked up into an amused smile as she let out a scoff. "Please," she rolled her eyes one the distance between them diminished, looking up at him with a glimmering gaze. "Those plants would be dead if it weren't for me. Half of whatever money it may grow belongs to me, technically."

Calum's grin widened, arms coming up to rest on her shoulders as his hands linked together at the back of her head. His eyes never left hers, ducking his head and agreeing, "Technically," before capturing her lips in a much awaited kiss.

Days off from tour were something Calum always looked forward to, ready to relax after traveling and singing and jumping and being surrounded by people every second of the day. But Calum always got restless after just a couple of days, ready to hit the road again. The wanderlust always hit him hard, but after meeting her, more often than not Calum found himself wishing leaving for tour could be pushed back as the days drew closer. He wanted to be with her for as long as he possibly could, knowing the inevitable distance that would be put between them would make his heart ache.

He also wished that when the days of their time together were lessening that he didn't get in a bad place. Wished that he could spend his days enjoying her in every way possible instead of dreading the days coming. It was like he forced himself to grow distant from her, as if it was a sort of preparation for the longer stretch of days he'd have to spend without her physically being there all the time. It made him hate himself. And it made her upset.

"You're doing it again," she finally said one night when they were getting ready for bed, five days until he had to leave. Calum had just sat on the edge of the bed, not even laying down yet as his back faced her when she sounded her words, Duke already asleep at the foot of the bed. "Don't pull away from me, Cal. You know it's better to talk about it."

"You can't force me to talk 'bout something I don't want to, Y/N," Calum gruffed in response, not bothering to turn to look at her. But she saw the way his muscles tensed under his bare back, shoulders square as his hands gripped the edge of the mattress. "So let it be."

She frowned at his words. She shouldn't push him, she knew, but the last thing Y/N wanted was for Calum to grow distant when there wasn't a physical one between them quite yet. Soon he'd be on the other side of the world and communication wouldn't be as easy as it was in this moment. They talked a lot when he was away, constantly keeping in touch because neither of them could go too long without some kind of contact. Though it always happened after Calum got out of his funk from being away from her.

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