Twenty (+4) Facts About Me

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Right, so, here are the twenty four- very uninteresting (is there a word for that?) facts about me:

1. Islam is the most important thing to me. I love Allah Ta'alah, Muhammad Sallallahu Alayhi Wassallam, the Ambiyah Alayhimus Salaam and the Sahaabah Radhiyallahu Anhuma a lot. Seriously. A LOT. Anything about Islaam entices me, and it's probably the only thing I don't mind learning about. 

2. I'm a niqabi and love my Hijab. Honestly, wear a HUGE black abaya, a black scarf, some black gloves and socks and black shoes and a black niqab ( I sound like a weirdo obsessive over black?...) and walk out of your house and just FEEL for yourself  how absolutely amazing it is!

3. My teacher calls me the Vigilante because I wear my black hood all the time. Without my knowing, the boys of the grade ahead of me used to call me that and one day he asked me if I knew that they did- which I didn't.  

4. I was born on Friday the thirteenth. I have been told by my *cough* dear *cough* brother that the day was only known as bad luck after my birth. Mean? I know he is. 

5. I was constantly in detention for late coming. Always! Nowadays,  I hardly ever get detention. It's tragic, because I used to have an awesome time writing essays and being a nuisance with my friends  who were on the premises for Madrassah.

6. I love Nabi Sallallahu Alayhi Wassallam and all the sunnah sports- horse riding, archery and swimming. I also really enjoy writing poetry and descriptions, reading and writing books, drawing, food, bubblegum, trees, stormy days, black skies, sunrises and sunsets, reading and listening to the recitation of Qur'an - ya Allah, have you heard Sa'ad Al Ghamdi?- the beach and fishing. I used to love to talk with people and to debate, but I've turned into an anti-social crab.

7. I detest the colour pink, I hate weddings, I don't like to dress up, I have a short temper and I'm pretty impatient,  I absolutely hate to colour in pictures with anything other than charcoal sticks or a pencil and I cannot stand any type of make up besides eye liner.

8. I can't decide which is my favourite sahabi- Dhun Nurayn- Uthmaan ibn Affan Radhiyallahu Anh or the warrior of the Mu'mineen- Dhiraar ibn Al Azwar Radhiyallahu Anh. Is it possible to choose? 

Don't answer that. Nope. No it isn't.

9. I'm in love with Surah Yusuf and the prophet Yusuf Alayhis Salaam. I'm in love with the name, too, and used to insist that I was going to name my husband Yusuf.

10. I have an absolutely huge, crazy, insanely amazing family and I love them all. Yes, even you @readingqueen20- no matter how much we argue, fight and laugh!

11. My name describes me well because I'm always blushing about the dumbest of things. Sometimes I blush for nothing too.Weird much? I know. 

12. Apparently my reactions are hilarious. I don't see it.

13. I've always been mature for my age (can't tell from this, can ya?) and even now, most people think that I'm at least 3 years older than I really am.

14. I'm a very stubborn person. Like, really stubborn. Ask @readingqueen20, she'll tell you all about it. 

 15. APPARENTLY I'm very bossy. I think that I just have really good leadership skills. I was even called the bossy boots of the school at one stage. 

16. I absolutely LOVE to sleep.  And my BED, oh my Allah! Better than a marshmallow on a fluffy cloud!

17. I come from a country with several official languages but can only speak one properly- English. I can understand and speak quite a bit of Afrikaans, barely any Zulu, and I can understand some Gujurati and Arabic, even a bit of Turkish! In Shaa Allah I really want to learn Farsi, Hebrew and Pashto.

18.  I get told that I look 'Arab by some, others say Egyptian (they're 'Arab, too, I know) (apparently my built and complexion is that of an Egyptian girl...whatever that means) and Iranian...Pakistani too... 

So...I really don't know what I look like. I have Indian blood, by the way.

19. I really hold a lot of love and respect for Mujahideen and Shuhadah Subhannallah, Allahuma Baarik Alayhim. Allahuma Ar'zuqny Shahaadatan fee sabiilik, ya Rabb.

20. I love doing archery.

21. I can either be really serious, really violent or really retarded. Someone once told me that when I'm tired I'm as good as a clown because I'm so entertaining.

22. I breathe in oxygen! Yay! Alhamdulillah! 

...I wish I was a fish and had gills and that I could extract the oxygen from the water and survive on that!...

I love biology. And maths. And chemistry. English is literally my one true love.

23. I wish I lived in a pineapple under the sea. Or in a cherry! OR in a cherry, that was inside a pineapple under the sea! Oh my Allah, that would be so amazing Subhannallah! Alhamdulillah for the lives that Allah has given us. 

24. I have a crazy obsession with numbers. I can't stand even numbers, beside 24. I love all numbers with a 7 in them, except 37. I love 3, 7 and 9. Oh and 17! And I'm always doing these weird calculations in my head about literally everything. 

Well.......that's it! Twenty four facts about me. Pretty boring, huh? I know. I'm sorry that I'm a bore.

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