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Bella Smith.

"Bella, you okay?" Ryan asked from across the table, snapping me out of my darker thoughts. I lifted my head up slightly and nodded. I watched him smile before getting lost in his book.

I sighed, my eyes meeting the wood of the table. I'm so tired, but every time I try and sleep, I can't. Images of Cody kneeled in the rain pour into my mind, me leaving him alone was just as bad as him kissing another girl. It's official, I'm a terrible person.

"LAST DAY TOMORROW, YES!" Josh suddenly ran up to the table, dropping his school work in between me and Ryan, who were previously the only people sat around it. Sometimes you don't realize how silent somewhere is until noise provokes you. "Guys, we have the whole summer to do whatever we want. No school!"

"We know." Ryan softly laughed whilst turning the page, his eyes still glued to his book. "But, summer isn't officially over for another day."

"Ruin the fun why don't you." Josh sighed, sitting down next to me. "Are you looking forward to summer, Bella?" He asked me.

I shrugged my shoulders, now that I think about it, I don't have anything planned for summer at all. "I guess so." I said.

The sound of the doors opening commenced, and I didn't even need to think about who it was. It was Cody, I could feel it in my instincts. Josh suddenly coughed and I lifted my head up, noticing the same blonde figure I see everyday, slowly walking through the lunch hall. He had his cigarette already perched between his fingers. He looked different today, more fierce. His hair looked slightly messier, plus, he was dressed a little more carelessly. But somehow, he still managed to look like the most attractive teenage boy I've ever laid eyes on.

His eyes met mine as he walked and I noticed him slow down slightly, but seconds later he was gone and straight away I missed him.

"I've got it." Josh suddenly said, changing the subject once he walked out of the doors to smoke his cigarette. We both turned to look at him, a smile suddenly clear on his face.

"You've got what?" I asked, confused.

"I'm going to throw a huge party. You know, like an end of year party? Those are marked down to be the best kinds of parties."

"Yeah, but they're also marked down as the kinds of parties that make the most noise and cause the most chaos." Ryan said, closing his book to join in the conversation. "The police always end up breaking up those parties."

"So." Josh shrugged, leaning against his arm that was leaning against the table. "It's happening, I'm just going to make flyers and invite the entire year."

"This is a bad idea, Josh." Ryan said and straight away we both laughed. Ryan has always been the one that's a little too sensible when it came to planning things like parties, but Josh on the other hand, does not care.

"You care too much Ryan, it's just a party." Josh chuckled, already scribbling down notes about it on a piece of paper from his notepad. "It's going to be so good, I can see it already."

"Bella!" Alli suddenly ran down the lunch hallway with Jake holding onto her hand, running behind her. "I haven't seen you in so long! Are you okay?" She asked, straight away letting go of Jake and wrapping her arms around my neck.

"I'm fine." I said when she pulled away from me and grabbed my hand in an attempt to move me. "Are we going somewhere?" I asked with a laugh.

"Yeah, we're going over there." She said, pointing to the double doors that lead to the main corridor. I knew why she wanted to go over there, she wants to talk about Cody, since I refused to talk about it over the phone.

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