[d.s] rough game

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'baby quick i think a few of the boys just pulled up' you hear daniel yell from downstairs as you add the final touches to your final outfit for tonight.

you make your way downstairs in a hurry before stopping in your tracks after noticing daniel staring at you in awe, admiring every single about you.

'you always seem to amaze me y/n' he says, walking towards you and placing a final kiss on your lips before heading towards the front door.

'that's the last one you're gonna get tonight seavey' you say, a smirk growing on your face.

the boys don't know that you and daniel have been in a relationship for a few weeks now, they've always just assumed you've been best friends since birth, which you still are!

before opening the door, he turns to face you, 'remember no teasing, you do it every time, it's not fair!' he says pouting.

you giggle as you follow closely behind him in your silk red gown that trails behind you.

daniel, yourself and the boys were attending a music event tonight. the boys have been nominated for two awards, you couldn't miss it.

'look who finally decided to show up!' zach says playfully punching daniel on the shoulder.

'you haven't been waiting for that long bro relax!' daniel says.

'dude do you know what time it is?' corbyn says.

you look down at your watch wide-eyed.

'well why are we standing around like a bunch of losties, let's get going' you say.

'i'm with her on that one' jonah says winking at you.

you giggle and begin making your way towards the car.

you notice daniel in the corner of your eye narrow his eyes at jonah and back at you clearly pissed off.

'relax dani, you know i'm yours' you whisper into his ear.

he doesn't say anything back which pisses you off a little. two can play at that game you think to yourself.

as you all make your way into the car, you ask jonah if the seat beside him is taken.

'nah, take it!' he says with a massive smile on his face.

you can feel the tension between you and daniel build as a notification on your phone goes off.

'what the fuck do you think your doing?' daniel says.

'just being a good friend' you reply.

'oh you're so gonna cop it when you get home'

'you know i like it rough' you message back.

you turn to face daniel once you send that message. his face drops and turns a pasty white. he notices you looking at him and can't help but stare at you blankly.

you roll your eyes playfully and turn to face jonah sparking up a conversation.

before you know it, you and the boys have made it to the venue where you greet a bunch of friends and other guests.

you walk over to your seats and take a seat between jack and corbyn, right across from daniel.

you turn to talk to jack for a minute then notice daniel walking towards someone. a girl.

you try and stay engaged in the conversation you and jack are having but can't help and check out what daniel is up to.

he's caught onto your game and starts flirting with one of your fellow songwriters, who also happens to be your best friend.

thank god the host interrupts their little mother's meeting bringing daniel back to the table where you eye him narrowly.

he grabs his phone and you instantly know what he's about to do.

'two can play at that game' he says.

'you've seen nothing yet' you reply, slowly tucking in your chair with a plan up your sleeve.

daniel constantly gets jealous, but i don't blame him hehe.

that's why you're always prepared for situations like these where he thinks he can out play you.

you grab the vibrator from out of your clutch and slyly place it in between your legs. you slowly pull your lace underwear down half way and allow yourself to relax.

'look under the table' you message daniel.

he looks up from his phone and at you in confusion.

he pretends to drop his folk on the floor  and pokes his head underneath the table to find you pleasuring yourself with a vibrator, whilst fingering yourself deep.

he's taking longer than usual to find his folk from underneath the table and you know exactly why.

once he returns from underneath the table you stare him straight in the eyes and bite your lip seductively.

his jaw rests half open, as he awkwardly scratches the back of his neck.

he snatches his phone from the grip of the table sending off a notification on your phone.

'you've won, now come to the restrooms and collect your prize'

your eyes immediately fill with lust as he makes his way over to the restrooms, you follow closely behind letting the boys know daniel 'wasn't feeling well' from earlier.

this is gonna be a long night.

[844 words]
this one was a little long but lemme know if you guys are down for a part two :)

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