[c.b] on the other line

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"hey boys!" i yelled out into the hallway, closing the door behind me and skipping into the living room.

"hey y/n!" daniel looks up from his guitar and smiles at me.

i give him a quick hug before situating myself on the lounge between jack and zach as they play fortnite.

"yo y/n, what are you doing here!" says jack taking out his ear piece.

"thought i'd swing by, feels like i haven't seen you guys in ages!"

the way you met the boys was something straight out of a wattpad fanfic.

you had been following them from day dot after noticing daniel on american idol.

you went to all their small performances and meetups, you were always there for them.

after having supported them for so long, you and the boys got close and became good friends.

just as you were about to ask or the whereabouts of corbyn and
jonah, you hear footsteps sprint down the stairwell.

"y/n!" they both say in sync, followed by a hug from each of them.

jonah took a seat next to daniel and corbyn right across from you.

i look up at corbyn for a moment than look back down to avoid my cheeks sporting a bright red.

i've had a thing for corbyn for quite some time now. it's just something about the way he smiles, the way his hair falls perfectly to the side and his voice. oh his voice, how it sends off butterflies inside me.

we're all just slouching around, conversing over snacks when suddenly my phone lights up.

it's a message from corbyn.

"let's play"

i analyse it, confused. what's he alluding to?

"what do you mean?" i reply, shooting him a confused look from across the room.

he picks up his phone and sports a dark smirk.

"you know what i mean"

my hearts starts racing and my phone slides between the sweat covering my hands.

"corbyn i really dont"

he checks the notification and all of a sudden stands up and makes an announcement.

"anyone wanna come and grab some takeout with me?"

the boys all stare at him, waiting for someone to say something.

corbyn shoots me a glare and raise one eyebrow.

"yeh i'll come along i guess" i say, my voice shaky.

the rest of the boys sigh in relief and get back to their conversations, obviously too lazy to even think of going out at this time of the night.

i grab my keys and jumper from the dining table and make my way to the front door, stepping outside and allowing the cold air to relax my tense body.

"corbyn, what's going o-"

before i'm able to finish my sentence corbyn smashes his lips onto mine and pushes me up against the cool pillar, sending chills down my spine.

i force my hands through his hair, stroking the back of his neck.

i've waited so long to do this.

corbyn breathlessly pulls away and looks down at the ground.

"that's how much i love you"

i gently touch his chin and raise it so that we're eye level.

"time to show me how much i love you"

i grab onto his hand, interlocking our fingers and leading him into the car.

we lock the doors behind us and continue where we left off.

my body rested across the three back seats as his hovers above me, lightly caressing my legs.

i feel his smile between our kisses as he reaches for skirt, pulling it off with one smooth movement.

he then strips me of my underwear, the cold air touching my heat.

i grind my legs against each other for friction as i crave his attention. he clearly takes note of this as without warning his lips reach my heat, and his tongue stimulates my clit.

i let out a heavy moan letting him know he's doing all the right things.

i move my hands to his head, my fingers pulling on his hair as the pleasure only gets better.

"yes corbyn" i sigh.

he continues moving his tongue around my pussy, sending me over my edge before inserting two fingers into my heat.

i let out a cry as he pumps his fingers in and out, slow yet steady.

"faster besson, please don't tease"

and with that said he inserts yet another finger and speeds up the pace. all the while staring into my hungry eyes, ready to climax.

i arch my back in ecstasy as i release my warm juices onto his fingers, dripping down his hand.

"that was fucking hot" he says placing a gentle kiss on my lips.

"any time besson" i say sitting up and kissing him back.

suddenly my phone goes off. it's a message from jonah.

"wHo wANts To GeT f0oD wIth mE?"

"um corbyn" i say.

he checks out the notification and we can't help but burst out into laughter.

"fuck it, round two?" he asks.

"wouldn't miss it for the world"

[833 words]
damn this series is doin better than i expected! also, sorry if there are any spelling errors i don't usually go back and edit x

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