The first time

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WARNING!- This chapter contains mature scenes; smut. If you are sensitive you can skip it.

{Two months after they got together}

Shownu POV

I woke up with a usual yet adorable heat source in between my arms, as I start to stretch my legs he looks annoyed and comes closer to my chest burying his head in my neck. His fluffy purpleish hair messy around his face and little snores coming from his tiny red lips. My boyfriend was the cutest and prettiest thing alive, I continue there, admiring the view as he moves a bit in my arms.

"Take a pictures it last longer..."he says softly kissing my neck. "very funny boy", I say reaching for his abdomen and tickling softly his abs. He opens his deep brown eyes and gives me one of his best smiles."tell me is not yet time to wake up"he says moaning and burying his head in the pillow, with my hand I start to shuffle his hair even more. "I can't lie to a pretty thing like you"I say and he hits me in the shoulder.

"You make me puke"he sits in the bed trying to fix his morning hair. "Yet you love me"I say and he quickly sits in my lap. "Only an idiot would love a messy bear like you..."He says kissing my lips, he was just perfect. "Well I guess you are stupid then..."I say in between the kiss.

We start to kiss, not minding the morning breath, the feeling of our lips pressed together and his tiny figure in my lap was arrousing. His hands travels to the edge of my pijamas shorts, and plays with the laces, I lift his shirt a bit and trace his spine, he moans a bit and I could feel his knees getting weaker as I join our groins even more. "Ahhhh stop! Its too early for this!" I look at the door and it was Jooheon covering his eyes and walking away embarrassed.

Kihyun then leaves my lap and starts to get ready. "I should go, the kids need food..."he was blushing, ashamed because we got caught in PDA. "I need as well, another kind of food..."I say slapping his butt checks. "Ahh! go get up and shower you pervert!"he says pushing me away and I roll my eyes. "This is not over" I say kissing his lips again, claiming what is mine.

Kihyun POV

In the kitchen, after everyone was awake (a lot of fights to get Hyungwon up and functional), the breakfast was ready and seven tired boys were eating. Today was a very busy day, we had a photo shot in the morning then studio time to work on the comeback and then a press conference. After that Hyunwoo and Heoseok had to make an appearance in one TV show. "Baby pass me the coffee" Shownu asks making me blush (still not used to the use of pet names in front of the boys), as I pass it Minhyuk starts to stare at me. "what are you looking at?"I say annoyed. "I've come to the conclusion that you guys are really cute together, I will permit this relationship" I hit his shoulder and he starts laughing. "Nobody asked for your permission." he continue to laughs and winks at Hyung. "Seriously, is like you were meant to be!"says Wonho and everyone seems too agreed. "Can everyone now eat and stop to invade my life"I say angry and they start to laugh. When we started dating we were very worried about everyones reaction, but it was a good surprise, they were trilled, and very supportive, helping us hide from everyone and giving us alone time to well... you now. The only thing was that they started to mess with me  even more.

"Come on guys is time."Shownu Hyung says packing up his things and rushing everyone. "Hyung seems to be in a mood today, what did you do? Or did you not do?"Minhyuk says whispering in my ear. It was true, Shownu has been a bit grumpy since we left the bed, not talking much, even for him. 

"Thats nothing to do with me you bitch!"I say getting up and heading to mine and hyungs bedroom, with Min still following me. "Are you so sure?"he says  sitting in my bed. "Yes you cunt!"I say pushing him away as he laughs. "When he got out of the room he seemed angry, and Jooheonie says he stoped you guys from having sex..." I blush immediately, and he stares at me with a surprise look. "What? you guys haven't  donned yet?"He says screaming and quickly I close his mouth with my hand. "No we didn't! Not that it is of your concern, ok?"I say and he nods. "But why?"he says pulling me to seat beside him. "We have done other things, but... never... you know..."I say and he smiles. "Im here for you, my apprentice. Tell me your concerns, how far did you guys went?"he says and I punch him. "That's private!" he continue to laugh. "Ok then, tell me is you who stops or him, when is getting to the sex part?" he says and I blush. "N-normally me... Is not like I'm not comfortable with Hyung, is just I Im scared that Im not good, you know?" I really did not know why I was so open towards Minhyuk, but there I was, opening up about my sexual life."Its okay to be scared is a new think for both of you, but you need to talk to him, really everyone is afraid of sex but is easier just to get over It. I know he loves you very much and I'm sure you've heard he moaning your name in his sleep, you just have to be true to him." He was right It was just fear, when I was about to ask another thing we were stooped by Hyung screaming for us to go. "Mood..."he says getting up.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 07, 2019 ⏰

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