[7] Meeting New People & A Discovery

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Damn, I feel bad for Vic. He got kicked off the RWBY Cast for something a bit dumb. But hey, I can't do anything to try and change it.

RWBY Is owned by Rooster Teeth, and DOOM is owned by Bethesda and all that.


The sun was up as the Slayer was sitting in his room, shifting through his memories of when he was in hell. Both before and after the fall of Argent D'Nur. Exhaling with a frown as he felt his anger rise from the memories of Hell. Looking over to the time, he saw that it was 8:42 and stood up before grabbing his Clothing and heads toward the Bathroom. Locking the door behind him, he turned the shower on and removed his underwear before looking at the Mirror.

His skin instead of being Deathly Pale from having his armor on constantly, was beginning to turn a pastel brown like color, but still pale at he same time. That brought a small smile to his face as he grabbed the toothbrush and looking at it a bit weirdly before grabbing said toothpaste and putting it onto the brush before beginning to brush. How he knew how to do this? Who knows. Anyways, he spat the excess paste into the sink before turning and entering the shower, which he felt the slightly cold, yet warm water patter against his skin.

Twelve minutes past as he shut off the water and stepped out of the shower, grabbing the towel and beginning to dry himself with it. Perhaps he should see what the other Teams are up to? No, they'll view him like the monster he is since what happened yesterday. Exhaling, he grabbed the clothing and put it on with a bit of struggle since it was rather tight, but was able to put it on, minus the Tie. Exiting the room, he heard a few knocks on the door.

But instead of heading toward the door, he grabbed the Helmet for his armor and slipped it on and then began heading toward the door. Opening it, he saw the two Teams who was scared, jumping a bit when they saw him open the door simply. "H-Hey uh... Slayer?" Ruby was first to ask before Yang regained her confidence and was somewhat angry at him for scarring her sister. "What the hell was that?!" She exclaimed, Ruby quickly trying to calm her sister down. But the Slayer wasn't phased and remained quiet. Meanwhile, Yang's eyes were beginning to turn red from the answer.

"Look, we'll get our answer when he's ready to tell." Ren said, trying to calm her down too. But she just exhaled through her nose before turning and walking away, Weiss following. "I-I'm sorry for my uh.. Sister. Now, lets go." Ruby said, grabbing his forearm and practically dragging him to the cafeteria. Ruby was actually rather afraid of the Slayer, since he was the one who brutally killed those... things yesterday. But she had to put that in the past and look forward to the future.

The Slayer just allowed her to drag him until they reached the Cafeteria, opening the doors for the two to enter until someone with some fashionable clothing walked up with a purse on them. "So you're the one who defended Velvet?" The woman asked as the Slayer looked at her, yet had to look down. His body language practically said 'What is it to you?' which she smiled and noted his height. "You're tall... Taller than Yatsu himself.." She added as a male walked up, being much taller than her but also shorter than the Slayer. "I'm sorry for her, but Thanks for protecting Velvet from team CRDL." 

The boy presumably named Yatsu extended his hand, which the slayer looked at it before extending his own hand and shaking it. "I'm Yatsuhashi. And you are..?" The Slayer kept quiet, until he pulled out a pencil and a small piece of paper, writing down 'SLAYER' which was a bit sloppy but it was readable. "Slayer. Weird name but alright." The lady said as she smiled. "And I'm Coco. Nice to meet you." She said as the Slayer simply nodded before walking away. "So, what do you think about him Yatsu?" She asked as she looked up at him. 

"He's strong. Very from the grip of his hand. Not only that, but he has experienced things from how he acted." Yatsuhashi said as he looked own at her. "And can you stop calling me Yatsu please?" Yatsuhashi said before she smiled. "Nope, not until we go shopping." She said as he Shivered physically and mentally. "R-Really?" He stuttered which she nodded before walking away. {"Oh boy.."} Yatsuhashi thought as he slumped over while following Coco. 

Meanwhile, Cardin Winchester and his teammates were fully recovered and very angry at the Slayer for beating them as hard as he did those days ago. "Damned Son of a..." Cardin cursed at the slayer under his breath as the others were also doing so, except a bit more quiet than the others. Though the Slayer didn't say anything, but grabbed his food and went to sit by himself for that he has already caused too much havoc among the others. Pushing his helmet up, he began to 'eat' the breakfast the school served. Yes, he may not need to eat but he wanted to taste something that wasn't either his own blood, or a Demons blood.

He was able to finish the food as he thought the food was alright. Standing and throwing the trash away, Slayer left the Cafeteria as people let out a breath they didn't even know that hey was holding it. 

(Magical Timeskip featuring the Slayer acting as Bob Ross and painting a hell scape using demonic blood while RWBY Watches.)

It was now Combat Class, and the Slayer wasn't really sitting in his casual spot next to RWBY, but near the back instead. No one knows why but he wants to keep a distance between him, RWBY, and JNPR after everything that has happened. "Now, who wants to go next?" Glynda asked a a few students rose their hands, the Slayer also doing it since he was rather bored. "Alright, Yatsuhashi and Slayer, get your equipment and come to the arena." She said as the Two stood, sharing a look before heading toward the Armory to get their gear equipped.

It took a few minutes but both Yatsuhashi and the Slayer exited the room, walking to either end of the Arena and equipping their weapons. Yatsuhashi pulling out his sword with little struggle and the Slayer pulling out his basic Combat Shotgun. Looking between the two, Glynda rose her riding crop, the two leaning forward with the intent to attack first. "Begin!" She said as she swung her arm down. Both Yatsuhashi and the Slayer rushing toward each other. Raising the Shotgun, the Slayer pulled the trigger, letting off a blast of pellets which hit Yatsuhashi. 

Who tanked the hit and drained his aura a bit before he swung with immense strength and speed. Ducking under the attack that would had sent him flying, he quickly rushed up and pumped the shotgun to ready the next shell. But wasn't expecting Yatsuhashi to spin with the momentum and send the sword right back act him. Unable to dodge, he tanked the hit and was sent quite a bit back. But his aura didn't even lower, nor did his armor look even dented or scratched. 

That somewhat surprised the Watchers, including Glynda since his Aura levels remained at 100% while Yatsuhashi's was at 89%. Yet the slayer slid across the field with his boots against the ground as he rushed forward. Keeping the Shotgun tight in his hands as he fired off another shot, draining his aura as he ran forward for CQC. Upon reaching the range, Yatsuhashi swung his blade, which was to be blocked by the Shotgun... Yet the Metal was unable to handle the force of the swing and bent, breaking the gun and almost snapping it in half. 

Using the moment of surprise, the Slayer let go of the gun and began striking Yatsuhashi with his fists. However, due to Yatsuhashi's large size it made it difficult to dodge and block the fast punches. {"He's strong!"} Yatsuhashi quickly thought as he avoided a punch that would had taken his head clean off if he had no aura. Yet the Slayer was able to land a hit upon Yatsuhashi's chest, easily stunning him with the force of the punch and sending him back while almost falling over.

The Slayer's shotgun was on the floor, forgotten as he quickly followed up with a Kick to the chest, sending Yatsuhashi down finally. Quickly planting a boot on his chest, he rose his other foot and was just about to stomp him before the round ended with an airhorn. "Slayer wins." Professor Goodwitch said as he stepped off, picking the tall male up and walking away. Yatsuhashi was rather surprised at his speed and strength despite the bulky look of his green armor. And even more shocked that his armor didn't even cave in, or even had a dent or scratch in it from the damage he sent. Yet one question rose... Why didn't the Slayer's aura flare when he was struck?

Picking up the Shotgun, Yatsuhashi asked a quick question.. "Hey, slayer... Do you have aura?" He asked as the Slayer looked over and did what no one would had ever even expected.

The Slayer tilted his head as if to ask 'What's aura?'


AAALLLRIGHT, thank god. I'm not sick anymore and I'm able to crank out more chapters!

Now, leave a comment to see if I did or didn't do anything correctly and I'll see what I can do to actually fix the problem.

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