Want to be a judge?

659 29 115

Judge requirements:

1. You are not allowed to judge the same category that your book is in if you choose to enter the contest as well.

2. You don't need a lot of experience for judging, though it is recommended.

3. If you are judging a book of a friend of yours, please let me know so there's no bias.

4. Don't accept bribes from the contestants and let me know if someone does try to do so.

5. You are expected to read all of the chapters unless it's poorly written and have to stop.

6. As soon as all of the judges are found, The contest will start.

7. If you can't finish the assignments, I will try and see if someone else can help finish them.

8. Communication is key. If you're not really active or are busy with other stuff, then don't apply or let me know if something came up while judging the books.

9. Password: Why do you want to be a judge?

10. There will be two other judges with you in the category that you are judging so, that way, you are not judging all of that category's books by yourself.

Judge Form:


First genre preference:

Second genre: preference:

Are you a contestant? If yes, which category is your book in?:

Experience ( on or off Wattpad)?:

LGBTQ+, yes or no?:

Mature books, yes or no?:


Tag at least three people who will be interested in judging:

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