Final Round Results

129 13 28

Here are the three winners of the contest. Go to Sticker page of the contest to get your stickers. Congrats to everyone who has won.

1st Place winner: Truth in Blue

1st Place prizes:  1. A follow from me and the judges

2. Bragging rights and shoutouts

3. Added to the public reading list so many people can find it

4. A beautiful 1st place sticker on your book

5. A book review

6. I can help advertise your book as much as possible

Second Place winner: Her Salvation

Second Prizes: 1. A follow from me and the judges

2. A beautiful 2nd place sticker

3. Added to the public reading list for many people to find it

4. Bragging rights and shoutouts

3rd Place winner: I never imagined

3rd Place prizes: 1. Beautiful 3rd place sticker

2. Shoutouts and bragging rights

3. I can help advertise as much as possible

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