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Sad, that's what I was, sadness was the the first thing I felt when they told me the news....
Anger, the second thing I felt, I realised it was all my own fault...
Disordered, the third thing, because when I tried to remeber, I couldn't...

These three feelings were the first thing I remember... And they never left... I don't know what I did to deserve them... Maybe I was clumsy, or mean, or maybe I just had bad luck... I don't know, because all of my memories faded away...

My name? I am Sadie Adelline Davidson, but you may call me Sadie. And this, this is my story...
The story about a girl who woke up with amnesia, who learned to live with it, who tried to accept it. But of course a boy had to come by and disturb the accepting progress. 

It all started when that song was peformed in the club for the first time. Amnesia

The grammer in this book won't be perfect. I'm a Dutch girl, so my English isn't perfect. Don't tell me how bad it is, if you hate reading stories with grammer mistakes, just don't read it. 
2) Don't make fun of the characters. I don't know how it is to live with amnesia. If you have or had amnesia, please don't feel offended if I write it wrong. 
All Rights Reserved @JulietFantasy

Thanks for having a look at my story <3 I hope you'll enjoy it! :) xx

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 01, 2015 ⏰

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