The Spoon

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"Hey Tj...What's up?" Cyrus said as Tj made his way towards him. "I'm suspended from the basketball team!" Tj yelled. The expression changed on Cyrus' face when he had realized what the other boy had said. Cyrus began, "Oh Tj I-" "The principal said I can't play until I get my grades up because I have an E in Geometry and English! Which is so stupid because English and math don't even relate to Basketball whatsoever!" Tj was mad. He punched the locker in front of him and leaned up against it, ready to collapse to the floor. Cyrus didn't know what to do. He barely knew Tj or how bad his temper was. Tj sighed and slid down the locker onto the floor, Cyrus following him. The two boys sat up against the lockers in the silent hallway. "Tj, I'm going to be honest here. I don't really know what to say because I don't want to make you more mad than you already are but I really am sorry. I can tutor you if you would like?" Tj looked up at Cyrus and his face softened. "Thank you Cy, for your offer," Cyrus smiled, "but you have to tutor Reed still and I don't want you to spend all of your time worrying about me and how my grades are. It's my fault for getting the grades that I get. I'll just have somebody else tutor me." Cyrus put a hand on Tj's shoulder. "I know how important this is for you and you're my friend so of course I'm willing to help you." Tj and Cyrus sat there not knowing what to do next. After a few seconds, Tj finally stood up and held out his hand for Cyrus to take. Cyrus grabbed his hand and the taller boy pulled him up. Tj swung his arm around Cyrus' shoulder and they walked towards the exit doors to the school. "Ready for some baby taters?" Tj asked. Cyrus jumped a little, "I've been ready all day!"
At The Spoon
the bell on the door rang as two boys walked in, searching for a booth. My brother and Cyrus? Amber walked over to the booth across from her and smiled at Tj and Cyrus. "Hey twin! Hi Cyrus! What would you two boys like to eat?" Amber chimed, giving Tj a mischievous grin. Cyrus looked up, confused "Wait- twin?" Amber laughed and nodded while Tj just sat there embarrassed. Cyrus broke the awkward staring, "One large basket of baby taters and a large chocolate milkshake for me." He looked over at Tj waiting for him to order. "I'll have what he's having." Amber nodded and walked away with a big smile on her face. "So...when were you going to tell me Amber was your twin sister?" Cyrus asked. Tj looked annoyed at the question but answered anyway. "I told you the first time we hung out here, Cy." Cyrus laughed, "Oh yeah! I remember now!" The boys laughed and waited for their food. Cyrus looked out the window. Tj noticed Cyrus' tapping on the table and the rhythm. Cyrus could feel Tj's eyes on him so he looked over but Tj darted his eyes away quickly, trying to not make it obvious he was staring at him. Cyrus smiled to himself and continued to look out of the window. "So, how was your day today?" Cyrus asked. "It was pretty boring like always. Still exhausted like always." Tj sighed. "My day was boring as well. Calculus is not fun whatsoever and somebody took my calculator so I had to do most of the math in my head which was even more confusing. Ugh, it was terrible." Before Tj could reply, Amber came around with their food. "Enjoy!" Cyrus smiled and nodded at Amber. "Ohhhh my gosh Tj, I am so excited to eat these. I've been waiting all day!" Tj smiled to himself and nodded, "Me too, Cy." Cyrus and Tj talked for hours about anything and everything. Cyrus found out that Tj stands for Travis Joseph and Tj found out that Cyrus' middle name is Michael. After their 3rd basket of baby taters, they realized it was already 7:30. "Do you want to come over sometime?" Tj asked, looking down at the tatertots and holding his breath. "Sure, sounds fun. This weekend?" "Yeah, sounds good." Cyrus laughed, "Don't you have to ask your parents first?" "My parents are divorced and my mom works really late." Cyrus' face softened, "Tj- I'm sorry, I didn't know-" Tj cut him off, "Don't worry about it Cy, how could you know?" Tj and Cyrus got up from the booth and said bye to Amber. On their way out, they ran into Andi and Buffy. "Hey Cyrus! Hey...Tj?" Andi said, confused. "What are you doing here?" Buffy rudely asked. "Hanging with my good friend Cyrus," he wrapped his arm around his shoulder, "what are you doing here?" Tj snarled back. Buffy rolled her eyes and grabbed Andi's arm, pulling her into the restaurant away from the boys. "Um...What. Was. That." Cyrus gaped. "I don't know what her problem is with me. It's like I'm some kind of virus or something. Like no matter where I am, s-she doesn't want to be there. I don't know what's wrong with me-" Cyrus stopped walking and looked at Tj. "I don't know what is going on between you two, but there is nothing wrong with you. She just hasn't gotten to know you like I have. Tj, y-you're a great person and I'm glad I've gotten to know you better." Tj wrapped his arm around his shoulder, making Cyrus flinch. "Thank you." Tj whispered. Cyrus smiled and they continued walking towards Cyrus' house. Once they arrived, Cyrus' mom was sitting on the porch reading a news paper and sipping her coffee. "Hey mom, this is Tj." Cyrus' mom looked up from her newspaper and smiled. "Ah! So you're the Tj my son talks about." She held out her hand for Tj to shake,"I'm Leslie." Tj shook Leslie's hand and smiled, "Nice to meet you." "Likewise." Cyrus turned to Tj and blushed. "So, you talk about me?" Tj asked with a smirk. "It was ONE time!!" Cyrus yelled, looking at his mom and Tj. Leslie and Tj laughed making Cyrus annoyed. "Alright Cy, I gotta get going. See ya tomorrow?" Cyrus nodded and walked towards his house. "Bye Tj!" Leslie said in a flirty voice, trying to embarrass Cyrus. Tj turned around laughing, and waved. "STOP MOM!!" Cyrus stomped into the house, leaving Tj and Leslie outside laughing their asses off.

Authors note:
Ok um tell me why this chapter sucks ugh

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