chapter 14- hospital....

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holla, How is everyone? just curious there may be trigger warnings in this chapter just warning you anyways hope you enjoy!💓x

ziva's PoV-
all I hear is noises banging my head killing me we are in the hospital I kneel on the floor clutching my head thoughts rushing inside banging noises and shouting it was him....
Paul John hope
my dad....
he was coming for me instead he got amy I stand up dizzy but I eventually stumbled over to the room where amy was in it read barely could read it but...
Intensive care unit...
Oh shit why DOES THIS HAPPEN I feel numb so I stumble to the floor slowly fall to the ground I couldn't feel my body anymore.....
Joes PoV-
"Why is there a ambulance outside" I question
"Let's go look" Dianne says taking my hand
"OH GOD NO" Dianne shouts kneeling to her knees
I see Ziva pinning a man to the wall shouting and screaming at him pulling a gun to his head then the police stopped her she kneeled to the floor then jumped up and looked at us mouthing 'I'm so sorry' and she runs Of I try I run after her she's gone by the time I reached the corner I run back holding Di in my arms shaking incontrovertibly I slowed her breathing and we quickly got in the ambulance.....
Time skip- Ziva!
Ziva's PoV-
"Oh my are you okay" I barely here someone say
"Yeah" I say trying to stand up failing to do so
"Hey come on I need too look at you" they say
I get up stumbling away she gets me into a cubicle....
"I don't need help" I stumble my words
"You have several cuts and bruises across the face arms and legs they are infected making you feel like your high" the nurse says
"One minute I'll come back stay here" she says
I get up and walk to the intensive care unit looking through the window I hear someone shout my name.....
"ZIVA" I whip around to be engulfed by joe and Dianne hugging me tightly
"Hey guys" I say smiling
"What's wrong" I ask stammering my words
"Your face" joe says gently touching it
"It's fine honestly" I say
"It's not come on you need it sorted" Dianne says
"I need to know if amys okay" I say looking in the window
"Erm Excuse me is amy dowen in intensive care okay I need to know" I ask
"She is doing not so well you can see her if you want to" he says
I slowly walk in the room Dianne and joe behind me
"Oh my god" .......

holla, Sorry this is abit short it's just I needed to get the sadness out the next chapter will be longer and happier I promise I just wanna say Youtubers-joanne I love you so much frey honestly you mean so much to me you are so you are so lovely and amazing I love you💓x
next chapter- it's going to be okay.....
Bec x

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