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One more day.
I can get through one more
It's almost the weekend. I can make it..

I can't.
I can't do it.
It's impossible

"Come on Jake. Get up" my mum urged
"I can't do it" I laid face down in my bed
"Yes you can, now come on. Get up" she pulled the blankets off my body
"Fine" I got up "but this means we're going to the mall tomorrow and wherever else I want" I smiled evilly
"Just get downstairs" my mum shooed.

I went downstairs and slipped on my shoes and my hoodie, since I was already in my clothes.
I grabbed a banana off the counter and grabbed my backpack "bye mum! Bye dad!" I called out before leaving.

I walked down the old stone pathway, looking down as I watched my feet take a step one by one "jake!" I heard someone call, I looked up and saw Parker "hey" I said quietly "yo, I texted you saying I was picking you up. Why are you walking?" He stated getting out of his truck "oh... my phone is broken.. so, I never got your text, sorry" I looked down "it's okay buddy, come on. Let's get you to school" he smiled, we both climbed in, me struggling a bit because I'm short "why did you raise the wheels? You know how short I am" I huffed, finally getting in and shutting the door "sorry kiddo, not used to having shorties in my truck" he shrugged chuckling, I rolled my eyes and tossed my backpack in the back.

On the drive to school Parker picked up 2 kids I've never seen before "Jake, this is Amy and Allissa, they're new to the school" Parker introduced, I nodded as they sat in the back "who's backpack is this?" The one girl asked "that's mine, sorry" I informed apologetically, she nodded

We got to the school
Amy and Allissa hopped out and I grabbed my backpack.
Parker and I showed them around the school "Parker, how come jake is so quiet" Amy asked quietly "he's shy, but when you get to know him he's really outgoing, he's one of the kindest people I know" Parker said, I looked away so my red cheeks wouldn't show

After we showed them around and they got their schedule I went to art, it's weird, all other kids have core classes, but not me, I've only got art, well art and Creative Writing. I only really like art, I mean, sure. Now when I write my suicide note I can put hella detail into it. But art is my passion, it keeps me calm.

"Yo jake!" I heard someone
I looked up and saw Parker, I smiled "thought you had english" I said "nah, they took away my core classes and put me in your classes, guess I'm too cool for core" Parker joked "well, good for you. But you're stuck with a loser like me" I sighed "hey, you're not a loser, you're cool, sure you're not popular like Justin and them-" "and you" I interrupted "and me, but to me, you're the coolest kid ever" he smiled, I smiled and took out my art stuff, today I decided to draw a dolphin, jumping out of water, with a sunset behind it.
After art I had Creative Writing, it was okay. I don't think I'll ever like writing but, it's whatever. Parker though, he got his first assignment and I swear he's meant to be a writer. We were told to write a short story on whatever we wanted, he was done in 20 minutes, full detail and everything "how did you do that?" I glanced at his paper, then back at mine, seeing that there were only 5 sentences "I don't know, but would you like some help?" Parker smiled, I just shrugged "come on, I'll give you some tips" he offered again "I don't know.." I scratched my neck, I don't like writing, I don't even see the point "let me know when you've made a decision" he patted my back and went back to writing. I just sat there, trying to get ideas out of my head, and then it came to me, like the snap of 2 fingers. I began writing, within 15 minutes I was done "can you read this? I don't know if it's good or not..." I asked quietly, moving my paper to Parker "of course, anything for my pal" he smiled and patted my back, he began reading it, his eyes widening with every sentence, after a little bit, he finished "where'd you learn to write like that? Jake, that was amazing" I just shrugged "I just got all my thoughts out and put them in a story" "dude! This is amazing! I swear to you, this is the best I've ever read" Parker hugged me, oh how I melted, how I wanted to tell him that the characters who fell in love were us, not yet. Hopefully soon...

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