Chapter 5: The Great Escape

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Winx Dorm - 16th September 

"-so I said your hair looks like -"

Bloom wasn't paying attention to Stella as she was preoccupied with recent events. Who is that girl? Why did she have such a strong reaction to that dark energy? Why did the word 'brother' come into her head?

So many questions.

"Bloom, are you alright?" Blooms looked up to see everyone worrying over her, and she assured them she was fine. Flora spoke up again. "Is it about that girl? Don't worry, I'm sure she'll be fine."

"Yeah, remember that flower? It's powerful enough to bring back the newly dead," Tecna reminded them.

"Newly dead?" Stella echoed. "How long does a body have until the flower won't work?"

"Maybe when it starts to rot?" Tecna shrugged. "There's not much known about resurrection since it's basically impossible - unless you have the Dragon's Fire."

Okay, that last part caught Bloom's attention. She sat up straight and leaned forward, her eyes twinkling with interest, "I can bring the dead back to life?" 

"Eventually," Flora answered after taking a swig of her water bottle, "it'll take a lot of time and experience, but you should be able to."

"Wow." Blooms looked at her hands in a mixture of wonder and bafflement at the thought of such a power before remembering something important her books and movies taught her. "Is that allowed? I read that there's always some sort of price for that sort of thing." 

The other girls shared a look while staying silent, which didn't ease Bloom's nerves. It's Flora who chose to answer her, "Honestly, we don't know. Resurrection is a delicate subject - even if it's done right, it may be wrong."


"Apparently, you can sometimes end up with someone or something else entirely," Stella warned before trying to change the mood. "Makes for a great horror story during slumber parties."

"Great." Bloom rolled her eyes before flopping onto her back. She grabbed her pillow and hugged it tight while trying not to think about the zombie army she could potentially resurrect should she lose control of her magic. She should avoid cemeteries for the time being as well as other places that were built upon a cemetery, which could be a lot of places... maybe she should just avoid going out.

"Don't worry, Bloom," Tecna said as she took a seat beside her friend and placed a comforting hand on her back. "Zombies are just Earth-made stories. There has never been a confirmed case of zombies existing within the Magic Dimension."

"Tecna's right. Plus, I doubt something as amazing as the Dragon's Fire could be capable of something so despicable."

"You should ask Faragonda about it tomorrow. She knows more about the Dragon's Fire than anyone else in Magix."

"You mean today," Tecna corrected, pointing to the clock, which read 2:43.

"Oh, no, none of us has slept a wink. How will we stay awake?"

The girls share a look before breaking out into giggles, "Coffee." 

"Don't worry about it. It's the first week of school, so classes are optional. We can just sleep in." Stella pointed out.

"Stella's right. Besides, even if we go to class, there's nothing important to learn this close to the start of the year."

Everyone agrees with this and heads to bed.

Red Fountain 

Kaneki found a black-haired guy leaning against a large stone shed scrolling on his phone. He glanced up when Kaneki greeted him and stared at him for a bit before shoving his phone into his trouser pocket.

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