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I wonder how it feels to stab someone.

Now that, is a thought that normal people doesn't have.

But I'm not normal.

I flipped around the knife, ready to strike. The blade shone in the sunlight and I watched my stormy eyes reflect in it. How would it feel to see it buried in someone's head? To feel the sound of a cracking skull. To watch the blood spread.

A shiver seeked its way along my spine.

As I said.

I'm not normal.

I put the knife down, and let the cucumber fall into the sallad. The brat gave me a gentle smile and put in some tomatoes. Soon it was done and he put it on the table and called for the others. Who rushed into a line to get food. I heard Hanji complain about the lack of meat, and Armin who quickly agreed with her. Saying something about the fact that Eren should eat more of it. Even though he knew that he was a vegetarian. And when the brat set his mind at something, he didn't stop.

I had to admit that I was impressed. Because somehow the shitty brat held so much stubbornness, and I couldn't figure out how his body could hold it. When he moved in and saw the insane amount of cleaning he complained. But once he started, he refused to stop and when I woke up next morning the house was clean. When I was running he always followed, pushing himself to get faster. Until he fell down i exhaustion.

He never stopped.


Not surprised to the other shadow in the early sunrise, I started sprinting. Faster than usual. Because he only became faster, and it worried me. I didn't want to see him stop trying, and therefore, I needed to get faster too. Even though I would never admit it to the sweat covered brat, I was exhausted. Not that he had any kind of strength left to notice.

As we dragged ourselves back to the house, I remembered the new kid.


It's today isn't it?

Two hours later he stood at the door. I let him in and told him that my name was Levi. He responded with some unimportant information I already knew, as he politely introduced himself to the rest of the kids. He called himself Reiner, making our group evolve into five. Or well four if you should be exakt. Four orphans, because I wasn't really one of them, since I became eighteen. So legally I wasn't one of them, but I still lived here. Probably taking care of them more than the person who actually should.

"So are you the man in charge?" The new kid asked. It looked like someone had replaced his eyebrows with noodles. "Only until the woman in charge comes back. Her name is Petra." My voice was a bit more stern than usual. He gave me a cocky smile and a nod before returning his attention to the others. Hanji looked like she was about to explode and she could barely stand still. Which made her brown ponytail fly back and forth. Armin hid behind Eren, only showing a bob of blond hair. And Eren. He was curious, but also polite unlike Hanji. Who bombarded Reiner with questions.

Instead of being with people I sat down with a book. It took an hour for people to start complaining about the lack of food. So I went for the knife again. This time Armin assisted me in the kitchen. We could hear Eren and Reiner scream at something. They were playing video games. Fucking brats.

Everything was fine.

Reiner was going to stay in Eren's room and I could see their excitement. Eren's ocean orbs literally shined in joy, he wouldn't have to be alone. I smiled to myself as I heard them close the door behind them. As I brushed my teeth I heard their laughter, it warmed my heart. The scream made me spit. Leaving a white stain that would take hours to get rid of. My feet sprinted back. My heart tried to leave my chest. "Eren, please..." It was Reiner.

My feet stopped.

Did I misunderstand?

Fucking brat.

He made me stain the mirror. My feet started taking me to the fallen toothbrush.

"Levi! Help."


Some fucker had locked the door. I screamed back at them to open, and when no one answered panic struck me. Freezing me for a moment. Then I dashed forward. Straight into the door. Splinters rained everywhere. A small part of my brain caught onto the pain in my shoulder, but the rest of it focused on the sight before me. That little fucker laid on him, and Eren's panicked eyes made me bolt. "What the fuck is going on?!" I screamed at them. "Eren here is just really ticklish, aren't you dear?" Noodle Face said. Ocean eyes darted away from my gaze, but he shook his head.

"Reiner, I need you to go down. Right now. I need to speak with Eren." Reiner smiled. It made my blood boil. He had no place to do so. Not when Eren looked so terrified. Not when splinters still fell. At least he left us. As soon as he disappeared, Eren started shaking violently. The ocean eyes couldn't pick a spot in the room, so they darted around everywhere. Looking at everything, except from me.

"He tried to rape me."

His voice. It was a miracle that it could even be heard.

It made my heart clench. Because it wasn't supposed to be like this. How dare he try to poison Eren's pureness? How dare he try to break his will?

"I'll speak with him." I heard myself say.

Walking down the stairs before he got a chance to answer.

My hand grabbed the knife, the same one I'd made our guest dinner with, just a few hours ago.

I know how it feels to stab someone.

Because now a corpse is laying in the neighbor's trash.

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