Chapter 5: Hell's Forest

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T E E T H   G O   G R E Y
Oh look, it all broken and on the floor-* proceeds to stomp on it*

You rested your head on the Kitchen table while Cassidy made coffee. You couldn't get your mind off of that Nightmare. Cassidy placed a mug of Coffee infront of you and sat down in the chair beside you. " Are you sure you don't want to talk about it?" She asked. You shook your head. " Kay." You two sat in silence for a moment until she started humming. You couldn't decode what she was humming exactly. Then she started tapping her fingers on the table, You guessed she did this because she was singing/Humming a song that two people sung, because her humming and her tapping didn't match or she was doing the beat of the song with her tapping. Either way, it was getting on your nerves, until she stopped tapping for a moment and then tapped two more times. Then she stopped for good. " Sorry." She apologized. You shrugged at her. " It's fine."
You two stayed in silence for a few more minutes. " Wanna see my scar?" Cassidy spoke up. You looked at her and cocked and Eyebrow. " What?" Cassidy stood up from the kitchen table and lifted up her Tank top. She had a big ‘I’ shape on her torso that went from below her bra and to the waistband of her Sweatpants, stitches holding her together. " Oh god. How did that happen?" Cassidy let go of her tank top and sat back down. " Organ transplant." She picked up her coffee mug and gulped down her coffee. " Why did you need an organ transplant?" " Uh... I don't remember." She said, the last bit coming out a bit forced. You just slid it off as something she doesn't like talking about.

" Good morning Y/n. Good morning Cassidy." A weird-ish sounding voice broke the silence. " Morning Rob." " Hi." You where still a little shy around Robin and Harry for some reason. " Is there anymore Coffee?" " Yeah i fixed a whole pot of it and our mugs aren't that big, y'know." " Ah, right." Soon after Robin, Harry got up and fixed him some coffee too. Now all you four had to do, was wait for Manny to get up. " So, Y/n," You perked up at Robin trying to make small talk. " Cassidy told us that you had a nightmare. Would you like to talk about it?" You, slightly annoyed and confused on why these people wanted to know so much about your nightmare, simply shook your head. " Nah, I forgot about it honestly. " You lied. " Robin, Cassidy, I need to talk to you both." Harry spoke, standing up. Cassidy and Robin stood up as well and the three of them went into the living room(to fuck), leaving you to sit at the kitchen table alone. (Alooooonnee. Alone. Aloooone. Alone. Alone. Alonnnnneee.
Idk why, but writing along made me remember that one SpongeBob episode where Squidward goes back in time and all these voices just start saying 'alone'. It was the episode where the 'Fuuuuutttuuurre' meme came from) You had rested your head against the table again when you heard a chair being pulled out from the table, making you jump. " Oh! Manny, you scared me there." "Sorry." You chuckled and ruffled his blue hair. " It's okay." Manny gave you a goofy looking smile before getting up and pouring himself a cup of Orange Juice. Manny sat back down with his cup. " Cassie said you had a Bad Dream." " Yeah. Do you have bad dreams?" You somehow felt really confident talking about your nightmare with Manny, maybe because he was a Child. " Yeah, I have bad dreams alot. They're about me Drowning in Oil."

You almost dropped the Coffee mug. " Wh-what?" " Most of my bad dreams are about me Drowning in Oil." He repeated. You where a little creeped out by this. " Do you have any... Other bad dreams?" You kinda regretted asking that, because Manny nodded. " Yeah! In some there's this girl with brown hair and glasses. She told me that she controls everything like they're Puppets or Dolls." ' Puppets...' You took a nervous sip of your Coffee. " Do you... Know why Cassidy had to get an Organ Transplant?" " I think so." You nodded. " Okay, tell me. I'm curious about it." " Cassidy had to get sewed back up because two guys Cut her open and took her guts out. They did the same thing with Robin." " Oookay Buddy, that's the last time I let you eat Ice Cream before you go to bed." Cassidy said out of nowhere, sounding really Nervous about something. She stopped and looked at the Kitchen Counter. There was a random Notepad there. Cassidy walked over to it and muttered something under her breath before throwing it in the Trash can.
" Uh.... You guys wanna go into the Forest...? We haven't been out of the house since Y/n got here." " Hm. Sure." You agreed. Manny didn't look so happy, but Cassidy clapped her hands together. " Alright! I'll go tell Robin and Harry while you two get dressed. " You stood up, so did Manny, and you two walked out of the Kitchen, up the stairs, and to your separate Rooms.

You watched as Cassidy, Harry, and Robin tried to spread a Picnic blanket on the Forest Floor. You and Manny where by a tree, just wandering around. You stopped in your tracks when you saw something red on a nearby Tree. You walked towards the tree and noticed that the red was in the shape of a Heart and that the heart was colored in with the same red. You thought that it was done by a Couple and thought that it was Sweet that they used Paint instead if carving it. Who would bring a knife on a date Anyway? You, thinking that the paint was dry, touched it. But, it wasn't dry, and it stuck to your finger. You then noticed that a Metallic scent was coming from the tree.
Your blood turned cold at this and hesitantly smelt the paint on your finger. The same Metallic scent was on it. Your eyes widened and you tried to rub it off your finger.

Who would paint a heart on a tree... With blood?!?

Then you noticed how many animals where in the spot. They walked by you as if they didn't seem to notice your presence. " Y/n!" You heard Manny call out. But you jumped at his voice due to the shock you where in. " Uhh.. Yeah Manny?" He took your hand and led you to a certain spot. " I found a Deer!" You where praying that he didn't mean a Dead deer. You made the same mistake when you where little. You where playing around with a cool stick you found and you where looking for a 'Dragon' to become friends with/to fight it, and found a Dead Fawn just lying there. You where still Nïve (idk if i spelt it right) so you went up to it and patted it's head, until you noticed the Gunshot wound in its head. You still haven't gotten its grey eyes that just looked up at you with sadness out of your head, not to mention, that night you had a dream that Maggots just busted out of the poor deer's body and blood and it's intestines and bones went everywhere, splattering the dream you with blood also. (My dogs used to hunt deers all the time. One day they left a deer head on the front porch with the spine still connected to it. I had pictures of it, but my mom made me delete them. Not that I would be willing to show you guys the pictures if I still had them, if I did I probably would get Reported or even get my account Deleted for showing a decapitated animal) You looked at where Manny was pointing at and gasped. There was a Deer, specifically a Doe,a few yards away, Alive and Well, eating Grass. It was like like a Scene out of a Disney Movie. Then a Fawn came bounding up to the Doe, and the Doe seemed to lick it's head. " Aww..." You said, than you remembered that you had your phone with you. You fished your phone out of your pocket and readied the Camera. You held it up and Zoomed in on the two Deers. (Baby Shark just started playing in my fUCKING MIND–)


Your phone took the picture, but you forgot that you had your sound all the way up. The sound made the Deer's heads snap over to where you and Manny where at. The Doe's eyes where Red and the Fawns eyes where White, no pupils or anything, and the two sets of eyes shone like Headlights. You where even sure that if they turned their heads around that fast, they would've snapped their own necks. You, shocked at this, took a step back. But luckily, instead of charging after You and Manny, they sprung into a well, wooded area. But, before the Fawn sprung off, It flashed a grin. You knew that Deers couldn't smile, that that they're teeth weren't sharp. Not to mention, that grin was wide, like a Grin that a Human could only do.
You where Trembling beyond belief and your heart was rattling in your Rib Cage.

' What kind of hell did I move to?!'

Okay, so, Honestly the part with Y/n having her flash back with the Dead Fawn was based off of the Scene in Iron Giant where that Deer gets shot. I know, it's weird that I based that gruesome scene off of a Scene in a Kids movie (where it shows the Deer getting shot and then shows the Deer's dead body) but Hey, I love that movie.

Even though it's sO DAMN SAD

So, yeah, I bet you guys where Expecting Shringnold in this chapter, but instead you got Paige

Who got thrown into a trash can by Cassidy.

Cass was originally supposed to rip Paige's paper out with a knife. Like, Cassidy was gonna go into ‘Stab a Hoe’ territory with Paige, but I just went with ‘ Dump a Hoe’ territory.

I think I'm getting really good with my ‘Spooky Scary Skeleton
Writing’. Don't ask, it's a thing I made up where I write (1666 words) scary stuff. Like when I wrote that the Fawn flashed a Grin only a Human could do because of how wide the Grin was with sharp teeth, just imagine that.

Done imaging? K.

Well, at least you took a picture of Bambi and his Ma.

K, I'm done here, BAIII!

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