Again with this Bullshit

736 19 11

Happy 2020, you Mother Fuckers
Same thing as Last time.
And by last time I mean this is the same thing as 'This book but it's on Crack instead of Whatever Shit the actual thing was on'

Cassidy:* Walks into the House, Drunk as Shit*

Harry: Good God Cassidy, look at how Drunk you are!

Cassidy: Hey, I am not Drunk.

Harry: Yes, you are.

Cassidy: I am not.... Fucking Drunk.

Harry: Okay then.... Can you tell the Time?

Cassidy:* Processing his Words*... Yes. * Turns to Tony and points a finger at him* I am not... fucking Drunk-

Y/n:* In the Kitchen, minding her own Business, and washing the Dishes** Turns around to put a Plate in the Drainer*

Roy:* Holds up one of those Stuffed Deer head's that's on one of those wood things(You know what I'm talking about) Up beside the Sink*

Y/n:* Turns around and comes face to face with the Deer, and is scared Shitless* AHH-

Cassidy:* Walking down some Stairs* So, I heard that these Stairs are, like, Haunted. Apparently some Girl Died here when she was Ten or Nine-

My VERY OLD DHMIS OC, which is actually the First Version of Cassidy, Grace: I'm Eleven, so shut the fuck up.

Y/n: I'm a Brave Boi!

A Deer:* Exists*

Y/n: NoT a BrAvE EnOuGh BoI fOR tHiS!!

Harry:* with a Brick with some Duct Tape on it* Wait, so you mean that I've been Connecting my Bricks to the..* Puts the Brick on the Top of a Doorframe* The Doorframe wrong the whole time?

The Brick:* Falls and crushes Harry's shoulder*

Harry:* Is in pain* AH! SHIT!! * Falls into a Hopeless heap on the Floor*

(I love JonTron)

Cassidy getting into drugs for the First Time: Okay, My turn, hand me the thing.

One of the Druggies:* Hands her the Bong* You sure you know how to use it?

Cassidy: Yes I'm fucking sure. * Blows into the Bong with the force of a God instead of inhaling it* Kay I'm done-

Cassidy:* Doing one of her Homemade Cooking shows with an old Video Camera* So, I'm just going to put the Casserole into the Oven for about... Twenty Minutes.

Cassidy, an Hour later after she forgot the Casserole thing Entirely, while Harry, Manny, Y/n, and Robin are watching the house go up in flames: I burned The Entire house down.. So.
(I hardly wrote about Y/n's friends, so here ya go-)

Jeremy: Hey, Liz, how do you ask someone out?

Lizzie: Well, First you-

Gina:* Clamps a hand over Lizzie's Mouth* Don't ask her, she asked me out in a Chuck E. Cheese Bathroom.

Jeremy:... But you said yes to her, So...?
(Another one with Cass, this time it's of her, Her Girlfriend, and one of her Friends)

Cassidys friend: Y'know, Cassie would [Insert something very dangerous that would Most Definitely result in death] for you.

Beatrice(Cassidys Girlfriend):* While Cassidy is sitting beside her with one of those Child Leashes on her* Oh, Cassidy would do that for Fun.

Cassidy: Hey Harry, Can we-

Harry: If you're going to ask if we can get more Whipped Cream, the Answer is no.

Cassidy: But-

Harry: The last time we got Whipped Cream, You used it all up and then proceeded to eat the Can itself.

Manny: Ruh-Roh!

Y/n: Zoinks!

Robin: Jenkies!

Harry: Jeepers!

Cassidy: FUUUU-

Y/n and Cassidy Texting;

Y/n: Yo, where are you and Harry?

Cassidy: We're fucking

Cassidy: Getting [Not Sent]

Cassidy: Food [Not Sent, either]


Y/n: Ok...


Cassidy: Y/N WAIT

I was gonna add more, but I'm doing important stuff
(I'm playing that stupid Meme Game with my Family, please save me)

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