Chapter 7

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As I sat on the bed, I felt horrible for watching Shannon throw up... I can't really do anything to help, since we didn't have the chance to bring anything before we got kidnapped. Our bags are probably still right infront of our lockers. Hmm... I wonder if school has started. I don't have a watch, so I wouldn't know. Maybe school has started and they're searching for us. What a shame. We're in a prison, an abandoned one at that. This would be the last place they would search for two missing people

"Are you going to be alright, Shannon?"

She just continued to puke up whatever she had for lunch at school, and a little bit of blood... It's not a very pleasant sight to see.

 "Yeah... I just need to rest for a bit. I think I'm done puking though."

"Oh, thank god! I was kind of getting sick of watching you puke..."

 "I couldn't help it!"

"I know, I was just teasing you."

Shannon just stared at me with a disgusted look on her face. I can tell she's mad at me now...

"Yeah, whatever, Henry. We need to at least trust each other for now if we're gonna get through this. That should start with you not lying to my face."

"Sorry Shannon..."

"Whatever, let's just go."

Yep... She's definately ticked off.

I had to step around the pile of puke... We walked out of the cell, with the crowbar in my hand and the flashlight in Shannon's hand. I hope she doesn't get mad and throw the flashlight and break it.

"Hey, where do you think we should go?" We were back outside the cell, the empty of the prison was empty - as usual... It didn't even look like we were in a different prison. Come to think of it, who makes a tunnel, out of dirt, in mid-air? Is that even possible...? Now that I think even harder, the windows in the main room were sort of brown, could this prison be burried? I hope not, because escaping this prison is our only hope to surviving the next part of our lives. Maybe the top of the roof is our exit...

"Huh... Maybe we should go back down to the main 'waiting area'? Maybe there's an elevator to get to the top floor. There has to be something special up there, right?"

"You're probably right, let's go."

We started our walk over to the other side of the floor, to make our way down to the first floor. When we got over there, the stairs were there... as usual. We got down to the bottom floor and took a right so we could get to the main 'waiting area'.

"Hey, Shannon. Looks like you were right! There's an elevator over there! Who knows, maybe it'll have elevator music!" I ran over to the elevator, and pressed the up button. I had figured we were on the first floor, but there must be a basement or something because there is a down button... But I want to go up!

I couldn't hear an elevator - at all. I was just waiting there for a few minutes. Could the elevator been on the top floor? Was this building that tall?

"Hey, Shannon... I don't hear a elevator, maybe we should just find some stairs-" I had turned around, but I couldn't see Shannon. Did she wander off or something?! She knows if we're going to survive this, then we need to stick together! And who knows what's in this building... Something could happen to her, then Mom and Dad would get mad at me - if I even escaped, that is.

"Shannon!" I started yelling, "Shannon!" ... No response. I guess she had gone off to explore... What a brat. She should know better by now. "Hey, Shannon! Are you there?!" ... ... Still no response. I guess it is true... But why am I starting to sweat? She should be worried about herself... I'll find her sooner or later, right? No! Why am I thinking like this?! I'm the only one that can protect Shannon... She's vulnerable in thsi building all by herself.

I started to walk around the room, looking behind everny nook and cranny there possible is in this room.


I spun around, could that have been Shannon's voice?! No, it had sounded more like a man's voice. Who else is in thsi bulding with me... Could those three people I saw at the beginning of being trapped in this prison be back to kill me?!

All I saw when I turned around was a person in a brown-ish-black trench coat. He had a knife in his hand.

"What do you want from me?!" I yelled at him.

"Oh, nothing," His voice sounded like he was so old... "We just want your sister, and I came by to give you this," He threw me a shoe. Shannon's shoe.


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