Chapter 2

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I could barely walk... The weight on my shoulder was becoming so much, I thought my shoulder would just fall right off!

"Hey, Henry, are you ok with me leaning on your shoulder? It looks like you're having a hard time..."

"No no no, I'm fine, Shannon. Trust me."


How could I lie?! It's totally exhausting me! What if those three people show up when I'm exchausted?! How will I protect Shannon?!

Now that I'm standing up and not helping Shannon up... I guess I can take a better look at my surroundings. We're in a dark, gray room. WIth concrete walls and a ceiling... Only about one foot above my head. There are black doors a few feet infront of us.

I started walking forward, when my leg started to tremble. I guess the extra weight was really too much for me right now.

"Henry! Are you ok? Your legs are shaking like crazy!" Shannon jumped away from me, looking like she was totally afriad of me.

"I'm fine... I guess I couldn't support the extra weight like I thought I could have."

"Well, it's ok now... I feel perfectly normal all of a sudden."

How come she can feel perfectly normal at a time like this?! I can barely stand up and walk!

I guess I should deal with it. It did feel like we were passed out for a long time. Maybe so long our body started to numb...

"Man, I sure am sore right now," I said.

"Yeah, we were unconscious on a concrete floor, not the best sleeping spot."


She's right, we were passed out on a concrete floor with three other people in the room with us. I have never been able to sleep good with other people watching me.

"Let's go, big boy. Unless you can't..."

"No, I'm fine Shannon. Just need to rest for a second."

All of a sudden, I felt all my strength return to me. I wonder what had happened...

"Huh, that's weird. I feel perfectly fine now."

"Great! Now, let's get a move on!"

We went out of the door, to find that we ran into more stairs. Our only option was to walk up the stairs. So we did.


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