more bittys. great.

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A second goes by. Then suddenly one of the midgets pop out.  It's the blue one.
" Wait! Don't hurt him! " He yells.
Wow. He actually responded to my empty threat. How naive.
"Your friend is incredibly stupid." I tell ink. He responds by bitting my hand. Very hard.
" Ow! That hurts you little asshole-"
"Swearing is so unprofessional villain!"
It's the yellow one. Wait did he just call ME a villain?!
" Excuse me? " I growl mockingly. " You three midgets come into my home, assume that I brought you here, then start running around!
But noooooo. Of course I'M the one at fault here! "
The stupid yellow midget point directly at my face, dauntless.
"You threatened to kill my friend! We're only running because you're a threat!"
I growl.
" Me? A threat? Please. Despite whatever you think, I'm a very nice person when I don't have pests running around my house! "
Suddenly, the blue midget steps into our very heated argument.
" Dream, c,mon lets throw her a bone here. Maybe she's just confused. Plus, it is her house. If we have to live here we might as well be on good terms. "
"Yeah, yellow midget. why don't you listen to-...... WAIT DID YOU SAY LIVE HERE?!"
The blue one looks at me.
" Yeah, I did. So? "
" haha. No. Defiantly not. You guys are DEFIANTLY not living here! "
The blue midget blinks at me.
"Wow. Your really clueless aren't you?"
" yes. "  I say exasperated. "I have literary NO IDEA what's going on. "
"Also you're definitely not going to live here." I add quickly.
Ink chuckles.  I forgot I was still holding him. I set him down on the counter. Partly because it was rude to keep someone imprisoned in your fist, obviously. But mostly because he was a painful bitter.
The second I put him down he smirks up at me.
"You are incredibly stupid." He laughs.
" I'm literally 50 times your size. Don't push your luck. " I growl.  He raises his hands up in surrender.
"Alrighty, tiger." He says mockingly. Great. Just great. I have three tiny cocky midgets in my house. And this one thinks he's funny!
I have half a kind to flick him in the head but it seemed kinda cruel. Hurting something tiny and defenseless is like kicking a baby or a puppy or something, right? A very annoying and rude baby, sure, but a baby nonetheless.
I sighed.
"Look we got off on the wrong foot. Can I call a truce?"
The midgets look at each other, had a silent conversation which went something like this,
Annoying blue midget: honesty what choice do we have?
Annoying yellow midget: but she's rude!
Annoying rainbow midget: I'm a total joke AND a narcissist!
Ok, no that's not what they said.
"Yeah sure, truce." Said ink.
Which was great because, had they disagreed I probably would have trapped them in a jar and thrown them out the window.
...I'm not kidding by the way.

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