A Raven's New Journey

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For once, the figure managed to dash out through the back door and made a run for it. She ran and didn't look back. Her raven hair made an attempt to flow with the freedom of the wind, the wind she had been craving to steal from the trees, but it was not ready for that yet. The crimson dyed everything upon her; skin, hair, clothes, her eye.

Her eye.

She couldn't see.

Red. Blurry. . . Blurry red.

She stopped against a tree, finally letting out a strained cry as the pain had set in. She looked up and examined her surroundings, seeing the shadows spread around her vision.

The lights?

Not even those were seen as she had let out more cries. Were those cries for help? She didn't even know at that point, all she could do was cry.

At the same time that was happening, an infamous killer by the name of The Gruesome Demon had just finished cleaning up after herself from her recent killings. Her method of killing tend to get messy, so it took her a bit of time to wash off the bloody mess that stained her legs, arms, and weapon; a four foot long walking stick that she is known to carry around.

After she had washed away the blood in a nearby stream, she took a seat next to a tree, where she could dry off her limbs. It wasn't long until she heard a few cries of pain, just to the south west of her. It was then that she decided to investigate the source of the cries, after having wiped off the remaining water that dripped down her limbs.

When she eventually found the source of the cries, not much to her surprise, there was an injured girl leaning against a tree, she didn't look much older from BonBon. She sensed something off about the girl. She sensed a slightly faded catholic vibe coming from the girl. The psychotic killer grinned to herself with malicious intent, as she had begun to approach the seemingly weak human. Every step she took, she made sure to match it with her victim's breathing, in order to mask the rustling sound of the leaves and rocks. When the girl suddenly turned to lean her back against the tree, BonBon acted quickly and slid behind the tree to keep out of sight. Of course, this time, the girl was alarmed when she heard the sudden rustle of leaves and pebbles. The girl with raven hair was on alert, thinking that she might have been followed from the one she was escaping from.

BonBon began to feel a little playful after realizing her victim started having feelings of fear. She grinned behind her mask, before jumping out behind her to swing her weapon at the raven-haired girl, all the while letting out a few giggles. What the psychotic killer didn't expect, was that the raven-haired girl acted quickly, and ducked out of the way just before the stick could touch her. The girl stumbled away from the crazy figure.

Why did this person try to attack her? She had never seen her before, so it couldn't be someone trying to bring her back from where she just escaped.

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