The Sakura Tree

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Did you hear about the Sakura Tree? A few years ago in the spring time, there used to be a man he was a serial killer. They say he didn't start out that way though, his name was Anthony. Anthony was around the age of twenty-three and had a wife and three kids along with a wonderful job. The perfect life. Apparently he had problems with his marriage, the wife cheated and he got custody of all three children who were permitted to see her every other weekend. Afterwards Anthony was looked down on at work for letting go of such a beautiful lady. While the children were with the mother, Anthony was robbed. Or someone attempted to, Anthony killed the two men in "self defense". A lot of people think that those were the same people who looked down on him, or some of the people. What a coincidence, huh? As a result he was fired from his job even though he won his trial because he started showing psychopathic behavior. Anthony's children were supposed to be sent to foster care the following Monday staying with the mother in the meantime. It turns out that Anthony has killed many more after that unfortunate incident. He claimed that corpses, unlike live humans, can do whatever he wants them to do, like dolls. So naturally Anthony wanted his family back. He found out that his wife lived on the hill next to the big Sakura Tree (a.k.a. the cherry blossom tree). So he decided to pay a visit. Anthony locked the doors, no one knows what happened i personally think that he tortured them, he would have surgical operations' on all of them while they were wide awake eventually leading to their death. Anyway according to the internet, Anthony wanted to be appreciated, so he set up the corpses like they were worshipping him. In the dead of night he set up a shrine of himself and had his family bowing down to said shrine in front of the Sakura Tree. Anthony thought to himself 'how are they going to worship and love me if I'm not there'
Ok. Anthony hung himself on the Cherry Blossom Tree atop the shrine. When the townsfolk awoke they saw a terrorific thing. The corpses had their intestines carved out and splattered all over the hill. Along with the sight described beforehand it was terrorizing. It was described as "A horrorific sight" or "The work of a madman", very few called it "A work of art".

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