Scenario: 2||What they think of you

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What they think of you

Warnings: Short

Their point of view

Sally Face/ Sal Fisher

Taking (Y/N) to meet everyone was fun. They seem like a nice person, they didn't even ask about my prosthetic. Everyone in the apartments also seemed to like them as well, I hope we could be friends.

Larry Johnson

(Y/N) is pretty cool, my mom really is good at picking people. When they showed up they were super nice to me, and Sal when he showed up. They seem cool and I can't wait to hang out again.

Ashley Campbell

I'm really happy I moved (Y/N) away from that car. They were so fun to talk with, and made the walk to the apartments eights better! They even showed me which apartment was theirs and said I could visit anytime. I hope we can hang out more.

Todd Morrison

When I first met (Y/N), they seemed like an ok person. When I invited them to lunch and truly got to know them. They seem like a good person, but who knows, maybe if they like the supernatural I could invite them to our investigations.

{Editing} Sally Face Characters x reader : Oneshots / ScenariosWhere stories live. Discover now