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It started to rain, just when I was walking home. My mom just  got a job so they wanted me to start walking home since both of them are working. Dad's a business man and Mom's a veterinarian. Luckily, I had an umbrella with me so I wouldn't get wet.

When I made my way home, I saw Alexandra's house. It's been 3 days since she's been missing. I sigh, thinking about her. I hear someone crying. I look over at the general direction of the crying, and see Brianna.

"Ms. Scarlett? Are you okay?", I ask, knowing the answer would be no. She looked at me and said, "I just miss Alexandra so much." "I do too", I agreed. Brianna looks at me and attempts to smile. "Aren't you supposed to be home?", she asks. "Yeah, but I just wanted to know if there's any evidence to show where Alexandra is, also I heard crying.", I tell her.

Brianna nods and gets up. "Well, we could talk, but I'm afraid your parents wouldn't allow me to-", I cut her off, "I'll just call my mom." "Well of course, you're welcome to come inside.", she says with a smile.

I called my mom and asked if I could hang out with Brianna. Of course it's weird hanging out with your partner's parent but when your partner is missing it would be understandable to want to hang out with them because you'd want to know the details of the case and what the authorities found.

I went inside the house that I was familiar with. It just wasn't the same with Alexandra gone. Brianna and I sat down. "Abraham's asleep upstairs so we have to be quiet.", she tells me. Then, me and her start talking about what could've happened to her. I just hope Alexandra's alright.


It's been a week and the police haven't done anything! No reports or updates! It's like they don't even care about the people who care about Alexandra.

My parents were asleep and I was writing a poem. A thought got into my mind and I realized something. Brianna sounded nervous when we were talking, like she was hiding something. I went and changed out of my pajamas to a white sweater with a black jacket over and I put on some grey pants along with sneakers. I grab my umbrella and go outside.

I go and run to Alexandra's house. I knock on the door and Brianna opens it. She asks, "Hanna? What are you doing he-" "Is your son here?" "He's asleep, why?" I sighed, "I want to ask you something." "What is it?", she asks. "Do you know if Alex has been kidnapped? If so, do you know where she would be held captive?", I asked quickly. Those questions just popped into my head.

Brianna sweated.

"Ms. Scarlett? Are you okay?", I ask her, realizing she's sweating. She pulled me inside the house, locking the door, and told me to sit down and listen to her.

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