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Your POV-

As you rose your vision blurred. Before you it seemed a mash of colors had danced into the sunlight. You depicted smudges of white, black, f/c, and complimentary shades of such colors. You yawned, your ears popping with each new sound as you hinged your jaw. You sleepily rubbed your e/c eyes, and twisted so your feet hung off the bed. 

Your vision came into focus, letting the smudged pattern fade away into reality. 

'Morning Matsuo,' you mumbled tiredly. You sat up without a gaze towards his lifeless smile. You shuffled your way to your nightstand, where your phone laid, blank and empty.

Without hesitation, you turned on the phone which sparked alive with twirling pixels. You looked at the clock in the right hand corner; 11:47, 'fuck,' you grunted, having slept in far later than anticipated. You once again yawned and threw your phone towards the bed, ignoring the abundance of texts from an abundance of people you know- no that's not right- you knew them. 

You had moved to the city to shed yourself from the monotonous daily life you once held. In doing so, you figured it'd be best to forget the people who cared about you, in hopes to break all contact from them.

I mean, you didn't hate them, you just... found them repetitive.

You cursed aloud as you blocked the memories from treading in. You lightly smacked your face, in both attemption to obtain composure, and to wake yourself up.

"Keep it together y/n," you whispered aloud, "stop being ignorant," the slap did you good, but you knew the words could never fix you. You walked to your left, over to your white dresser. An abundance of clothes were laid out before you, a variety of all types and colors. Your hand grazed over multiple potential outfits, until you settled on a (f/c) tank top, a pair of black skinny jeans, and a pair of pearly white socks.

You didn't bother taking a shower this morning, you felt it would limit your time for finding a job; what you had originally intended to wake up for. You quickly dressed, not wasting any time better spent.

You passed the kitchen without another glance- you never ate breakfast- and your office. Your office had originally been a bedroom, but you couldn't pass up the large window in the living room. Despite the layout plans, you made the living room your open bedroom. You never had anyone to come over anyways, so what did it matter.

You quickly glanced into your office which held the following; a (f/c) hammock in the left corner, a window in the center back wall, below the window there was a large desk with a series of computers and files, a black bean bag in the right corner, white walls, and a bamboo floorboard. Although you didn't have a job, your office was still a place for work.

You turned away from the office door, and made your way to the front door. You grabbed your keys, which were on a counter to the right of the door, put on boots, and pulled on a white bunny hoodie. Even thought Ikebukuro wasn't known for being warm, you still didn't mind the cold. You loved the bitter cold the most; the cold that bit your face. It made you feel alive, it made you feel like you were real.

You unlocked the door with a sharp click, grabbed your white purse from the counter, and slipped outside. The apartment complex air felt hot, almost like it was suffocating you. Your apartment room was naturally set at 51 degrees, you guessed the apartment complex to be maybe 73 degrees. You shivered ironically. Sometimes, for no reason whatsoever, you shivered when you were hot. You presumed it was to cool down in some way, but you didn't know in what way.

Your soft footsteps echoed through the hallway. You made your way to the elevator, pressing the down button. You waited for exactly 3 minutes and 21 seconds before the elevator doors chimed open. There was only one elevator, so you were not surprised that it took the expected time to arrive. You entered and pressed the 1 floor button, which lit up in response as the elevator doors closed. 

You looked up to your right, at the floor marker, anticipating the next floor. It read 11, then you felt a movement in the once still air, the floor read 12. At first you freaked out as you had hit the down button, but alas you realized that this was the only elevator. You waited in silence as the numbers on the elevator climbed...13...14...15; the elevator gave an audible 'ding.' 

You sighed, anticipating Namie to walk through the doors. You were not in the mood for false socializing, and yet as the elevator doors opened, your face read of a fake smile. It dropped immediately after you saw the outline of a black fur coat.  

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