plus one [alex]

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It was a lazy Sunday. I was still tucked comfortably into bed, the cover drawn up to my nose, half-awake from the sun shining through my window, but still keeping my eyes shut, trying to fall back asleep.

But apparently one particular individual had decided that that wasn't going to happen.

Alex burst into my room, and began jumping on my bed like a five year old trying to wake their mother. "Breakfast is ready y/n! Better get up before it gets cold!" He shouted, flopping onto the empty side of the bed, propping up his head with his hand.

I groaned and opened my eyes halfway, giving him an intense glare. "Fuck off Alex. It's Sunday, let me sleep" I said tiredly, closing my eyes again.

He didn't say anything, and I felt him get off the bed. For a split second I thought he was actually going to leave me alone. Boy was I wrong; a few moments later I felt cold water hit me in the face.

I immediately sprung up, wiping the water off of my face and opening my eyes to see Alex absolutely creasing with a cup in his hand. I gave him a look of pure anger, and he ran out of the room, me close on his tail. I chased him into the living room and he stopped on the couch, letting me get one hard punch in the arm.

"What the hell are you two doing?" Will laughed from the kitchen. "This fucker just threw water on my face!" I shouted, glaring angrily at Alex.

"Bully my flat mate one more time Mr. ImAllexx and see what happens Will said, giving his best attempt at a stern look.

"Sorry y/n" Alex chuckled. I rolled my eyes, sighing heavily before pulling him in for a quick hug.

"Ok, lets eat!" I said excitedly, making my way to the kitchen.

We finished breakfast shortly after, George showing up midway through; fashionably late as always.

"You wanna play mario kart Alex?" I asked as we finished up the dishes.

"I would, but I actually have a few errands I need to run."

I looked at him questioningly, "Errands? Since when do you have 'errands'?"

He shrugged, walking out of the kitchen and into the main room, leaving me confused.

"Actually... do you think you could help me?" Alex asked from the doorway of Will and I's flat.

"Yeah, I guess. With what exactly?"

"Well, Jack's wedding is coming up soon and I kinda still need to get a suit" he said, scratching the back of his neck.

"How soon is 'soon' Alex?" I questioned, knowing that he probably left it to the last minute.

"Like, next Saturday?" he said, his cheeks being tinted a light red.

"Alex! That's less than a week away!" I exclaimed.

"I know, I know. Which is why I need your help" he sighed.

"I'll help you, don't worry. Just let me get changed quickly."

I changed into a black 'The 1975' t-shirt and a dark wash denim mini skirt, putting on my black vans, and doing my hair into a quick messy bun. I brushed my teeth quickly, and curled my eyelashes, before grabbing my purse and meeting Alex at the doorway again.

We drove to the mall, and walked into one of the stores that sold suits.

"What colour? Black? Or should I try and mix it up and go like blue? Grey? I don't know this is too stressful. Can you tell I don't do this often" Alex said quickly, stressing over which suit to get.

"Alex, chill babe" I said laughing lightly, grabbing his arms, "let's go black; it goes with every colour, and I think it looks the best anyways."

"Ok, I'm calm. I'm glad I brought you" he laughed, smiling at me.

"Well, I'm glad I came. Because you would've left here looking like a mess otherwise."

He chuckled, hitting me lightly on the arm, "Hey, I'm not that incapable of doing this. I just think it's better to have a girls opinion on it, y'know?"

"Yeah I guess you're right" I said, shrugging.

We picked out a simple black suit, and had Alex's measurement taken for tailoring. Alex paid for the suit and we left to go get something to eat.

"Are you excited?" I asked, looking up from my fries.

"For what?"

"The wedding, Alex. Remember? The whole reason we came here?" I said mockingly.

"Oh, uh yeah, I am" he said passively, glancing back down at his meal.

"You sure? You don't sound too excited."

He sighed, looking at one of the shops to the left of us. "The thing is... I'm really happy for Jack, obviously. It's just that, it's made me think a lot about myself and my future, and honestly? It scares the living shit out of me."

"I can get that. But Alex, you're young. You're only 20 for christ's sake! You don't need to be thinking about getting married or any of that any time soon, okay? Enjoy your young years" I said, tilting my head to meet his eyes.

"You're right y/n. I am too young to be stressing about this kinda shit. But you're way too young to be stressing out" He said, grinning widely at me.

"Oh fuck off" I said, giving him the finger. It was a reoccurring gag in the friend group that I was still only 18, and Alex loved to bring it up every chance he could get.

"Everyone at the wedding is gonna be older than me. I feel like I'll be that one kid trying to fit in with the adults" Alex chuckled, before a look flashed across his face, "Hey, actually... would you wanna go with me to the wedding? As like my plus one? You don't have to, I mean, I just know that you mentioned that you've never been to one before, and it might be kinda fun-"

"Yes" I chuckled, interrupting his rambling, "yes Alex, I'd love to go to Jack's wedding with you."

He smiled at me softly, "Thanks."

We finished our food, and got ready to head back out to the car, exhausted from the day already.

"Oh shit!" I exclaimed.


"I need to get a dress!"

Alex sighed, giving me a small smile, "Guess we're not leaving this mall anytime soon, are we?"


i noticed a kind of reoccurring theme in my last few chapters, so i tried to switch it up a little bit with this one

was thinking about doing a sort of follow up type chapter to this one where they're actually at the wedding, so pls let me know if you'd like to see that

but anyways, leave any suggestions for future chapters, or just comment your thoughts on these so far (i hope i'm doing alright? idk? pls validate me??)

cheers god bless xxxx

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