The Animus Test

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A/N: Hi, I'm back with a new chapter, Sorry this is so short, but I promise I'll post another extra before next week. So, first, I would just like to say, if you have a Seawing OC that you would want me to put on one of me updates just Comment their name, gender, personality, and anything else that you think I should know.


"Oh well, anyways," Queen Coral interjected, "Follow me, I want to show you some place," and with that she swam off.

With a gulp, Beluga rushed off after her, the last time she wanted to show her somewhere, she showed her the hatchery. After they swam for a while, Beluga noticed that Whirlpool was with them.

Queen Coral must have seen her confusion, because she then flashed, 'Whirlpool is here because I need him to help me with something,'

After what seemed like forever, they arrived at a clearing, "It's the Island Palace!" Beluga realized,

"Yes," Queen Coral said, "And every year every dragonet that is 2 years old that lives in the palaces take the Talons of Power test, and since you lived in the Seawing village, you never took the test,"

"You mean you want me to take the test. But wouldn't I have known I was an Animus though?" 

"Well you never know unless you try," Whirlpool said,

"Okay," Beluga said unsurely,

"Okay, now, tell this rock to grow into a palm tree," Whirlpool said, holding up medium sized grayish black rock,

"Okaaaaaay, rock, turn into a palm tree," as soon as she finished speaking, the rock cracked open and a tree started growing inside the crack,

"Three moons," Queen Coral gaped at the tree,

Beluga looked at the tree uncertainly, "I'm an Animus?"

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