Sickly Secrets

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Hey I'm back for 2 uPDATES IN ONE DAY WHAT😅

Based on the request from @Barbemeli
I restarted this multiple times and I'm still not completely satisfied haha so that's why it took longer than expected so I'm extremely sorry for that too.
I also hate the title sooooooo
Anywayz... Enjoy!
TW: mentions of vomit and needles in case you're sensitive to that stuff <3

Peter found himself amongst all of the Avengers, snuggled up happily on the floor inside a massive blanket fort in the shared entertainment room of Avengers Tower.

How did he end up in this position, you ask? Well it's more or less Peter's fault... and the team's tendency to be overly caring of their little spider.

~ ~ ~

*24 hours earlier*

Peter woke up suddenly, bolting upright in bed.

A wave of nausea washed over him as he swivelled his legs to hang over the edge of the bed.

Preparing to stand, he realised in panic his stomach was flipping dramatically.

He was gonna be sick. Oh shit.

Eventually, he stood up a little too quickly and grabbed onto his desk until he got over the vertigo.

He raced into his en-suite bathroom only just making it to the toilet as he threw up until his stomach was cramping.

As he caught his breath he slumped down onto the cool tiles of the bathroom floor. He cleaned himself up as best he could before getting back into bed, still feeling ill.

He only got about an hour of restlessness in bed before he had to race back to the bathroom, throwing up what little was left in his stomach.

Struggling to even flush the toilet, he ends up just sitting on the floor with his back against the wall. That's where he remained the rest of the night, falling in and out of a feverish sleep, and throwing up a few more times in between.

~ ~ ~

Peter woke up to knocking coming from outside his bedroom door.

He only heard it from the bathroom because of his super hearing.

So he reluctantly stood and sluggishly walked out of the bathroom to his bedroom door, opening it to see a way-too-smiley Clint standing in front of him.

"Time to get ready for school sleepy-head," he said before turning and heading back towards the kitchen where Tony was for some reason waiting with so much toast that not even all the Avengers will be able to eat.

Peter groaned audibly and washed his face, then he went to the kitchen to see the entire team there talking and eating. A few of them noticed Peter and smiled at him as he grabbed a single small piece of toast and sat at the end of the table. Tony tried to get him to take some more but didn't push him after he politely declined twice.

He did look a bit tired so maybe that is what's wrong, Tony thought, he's quiet too so maybe he just didn't get a great sleep.

~ ~ ~

At school Peter felt slightly better.

Well, his stomach hurt badly but he didn't throw up any times so he counted that as a win.

Then again he didn't eat much all day and he fell asleep in one of his classes, only waking up when Ned shook his shoulder.

Once he got home, however, it didn't take long for him to realise that he wouldn't be feeling ok much longer.

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