You'll Always Be My Son

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TW: saddddd

Your tiny hand in mine as you're sleeping on my chest
Laying here so still, getting a chance to rest
And I'm watching my world rise and fall with every single breath

Lying in the familiar hospital bed, Peter peacefully sleeping on top of him, Tony watches his son while gently combing his fingers through the boy's soft curls.

He's singing softly as his mind drifts to better days. Days that weren't filled with anguish and helplessness, but happiness.

Days with hope.

Looking down at you and how you look so much like me
And all I want to do is give you everything you need
Son, I know I often make mistakes
But my love for you will never ever change

Somehow watching his son so peaceful and breathing evenly puts him in a slight state of contentment. He knows all is lost, his world is leaving him, but he finds it in him to relax and be a comfort for Peter. It's the most he can do now.

I don't ever wanna let you go
But I can't wait to let God take you home
And no matter what this life might bring
I want you to know that you will always be- you will always be my son

Even so, a warm tear streaks its way slowly down his cheek. The room is silent for a minute, save for the softest wheezing breaths escaping his son's lips. He shuffles up the bed slightly enough to elevate his upper body and all is quiet again as Peter sighs and settles further into sleep. He clings onto Tony's shirt. It's almost as reassuring and comforting as the rise and fall of his chest.

Tony resumes soothing the curls and whispering his song.

I'm picturing your life, how the years would all play out
And whatever you do, just know that I'm already proud
Son, I know I'm gonna make mistakes
But my love for you will never ever change

He knows there's no hope, God he's so helpless, but he still imagines what Peter's future would've looked like once he'd become an adult. He doesn't see him as the party type, no, but he sees him as a generous, helpful, hard-working Stark.

The one person the world would need. He'd be the best of the best, and no one would assume anything less of the boy. He's just always had that effect. He's Tony's whole world and he's always been perfect to him in every way.

I don't ever wanna let you go
But I can't wait to let God take you home
And no matter what this life might bring
I want you to know that you will always be- you will always be my son

It's been a rough few years and these recent few months have been the worst Tony's ever lived through, and he's been in his fair share of terrible times. Watching his son deteriorate so quickly after years of treatment only succeeding to prolong the inevitable. It's been worse than anything a father should never have to go through.

They fought and fought till there was nothing except acceptance and love. Comforting each other through the pain and sorrow because there was nothing else they could do. Most importantly, they ensured everyone knew they were loved by each other. Peter thanked them all and repeated "I love you" too many times to count and the action was returned.

Tony participated too, though he was unable to believe they were even close to saying goodbye.

Wherever your road leads
You can always come back home

Something inside Tony tells him it's time. Peter's ready to leave.

He's still clinging to Tony's shirt with the little strength remaining in him while he sleeps. It's as though he's attempting hold onto life. Fuck this disease.

"It's ok, kiddo. Everything's alright, I'm right here... I'm staying right here. You're gonna be okay, you hear me? It's gonna be great, you'll be free. No more pain or fear, baby. You can rest now. I-it's ok. I'm ok, promise. You don't have t-to fight anymore, it's over. The-the fight is over, okay? You can go.... It's alright now. I love you, Pete".

He's holding back his sobs now. He has to hold on for just a little longer. Maybe Peter is somehow in some form of awareness and can hear his words.

After all of this, he'll break down but right now he will stay strong for his kid. He'll continue to fight for his kid even when the fight is long lost.

I don't ever wanna let you go
But I can't wait to let God take you home
And no matter what this life might bring
I want you to know that you will always be- you will always be my son...

He holds him. Holds him for the next minutes. Holds him for the next breaths. Holds him for the next heartbeats. Holds him for the last of each. Until Peter's the one to let go.


Woah. sorry.

wasn't as sad as i intended but i hope it was enough :')

btw i don't have a specific illness for this story so think whatever one u want for it

it was really sad writing this oof and yeah of course i changed some of the lyrics to make it sadder, duh. (song is YOU WILL ALWAYS BE MY SON by ANTHEM LIGHTS - listen to it if u want idc, i'm just tryna give credit sksksks)

also you should totally check out my new book! i'm starting it soon and it's kinda got these feels i guess

alsoo FFH was AMAZING LIKE IM STILL NOT OVER IT WOW that midcredits scene tho was ugh ouch but other than that WOW the vfx team did a great job and Tom's acting was beyond perfect as usual and i think i cried a little and probably yelled too loud so sorry to anyone in my cinema that night haha !! can't wait to see it again ASAP !!

alsooo sorry i didn't update for weeks, i was really busy with exams and assignments and other shit and my mental health just decided to go plummeting so yeah i'm just barely coping,,, woohoo🙄

this was published this morning on my new Avengers One-shots book (which y'all should totally check out 😉) after Wattpad gave me a heart attack and this book "blipped" today... i'm forever using this as a real word now it's hilarious. for the few who don't understand, basically it vanished and reappeared for some unknown reason today sksksks.

anywayz see you all soon

Love ya's!

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