Just Sleep

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Hiya everybody!
Happy (whatever day it is lmao)
This is kinda just nice fluff
TW: none

School has been putting way too much pressure on them, Ned decided as he walked to his locker at the end of yet another Monday school day.

It's not particularly hard work for the trio of geniuses. It's not too much work either. It's that they have so many tests these coming few weeks and study times are limited due to extra practice for their Academic Decathlon being held in just 2 weeks. So it has been tiring for all 3 of them lately as they tried in vain to get homework and assessments done before they have to do such large amounts of study.

And Peter... he was doing the worst. Ned and MJ could tell that much.

He was much more tired than the other 2, despite doing a similar amount of work lately. Then again he did have patrol and avenging to do as well. So yeah, exhausted was an understatement. But surely Peter could get through it; he always does.

Once Ned got to his lockers, however, he was slightly surprised to see a very ill looking Peter struggling to even stand as he gripped the door of his locker, his eyes squeezed shut tightly.

"Hey man, you alright?" Ned asked with concern lacing his voice.

Peter just looked up at his friend with as best a reassuring smile as he could muster. Ned wasn't convinced of course.

"Maybe you should take tomorrow off to rest, and then when you're feeling better you can come back and we can start on my new LEGO—"

"No Ned, really, I'm fine. I can't just miss a day of school. I'm ok, I swear," Peter cut him off, still holding onto his locker door as it bent slightly from his strength.

"Whatever man. Sure, if you think you're ok then do whatever. Just look after yourself and promise if you feel worse you'll rest, ok?" Ned reasoned.

"Yeah yeah I know. Promise. Anyway gotta go, Happy's probably waiting outside," he replied half-heartedly as he shut his locker door and reluctantly turned to walk out.

Ned sighed and pretended not to notice the way Peter was failing at walking in a straight line horrendously. He really was his stupid, yet genius, stubborn best friend.

All the way home, Peter didn't even notice the way Happy kept glancing in the mirror to look at him with concern and confusion. He knew the kid didn't look okay but he decided to let him talk to the others about it.

Once Peter got home he made his way up to his bedroom and chucked his heavy bag to the ground before face planting into the bed.

And that's where he stayed until about an hour later when Tony emerged from the workshop and made his way to his kid's room.

Peter had been living with the avengers for a few months now after May passed and Tony has become more than a mentor to Peter. He's more of a father-figure to him now and they both couldn't be happier with their relationship.

He knocked on his door and Peter called out for Tony to come in.

He entered the room to see the boy at his desk, as he expected, doing homework.

"I think you need to take a break from homework, Pete. That's all you've been doing lately. I want you to come help me in the lab, then we'll order pizza and you can go to sleep early tonight, deal?" Tony reasoned.

"Fine. I'll just finish this last math question and come down". And with that, Tony returned to the lab and Peter met him down there 5 minutes later.

Tony noticed Peter seemed a bit off and tired but he simply blamed it on the workload and 'Spidermanning'. Although, he realised Peter hasn't been on patrol for almost a week, with the Avengers doing all the work as training for their big mission in a few days.

Maybe he will have to keep a closer eye on his kid.

~ ~ ~

An hour later and Peter was already falling asleep whilst still standing.

He felt a weight on his shoulders and turned to see Tony's fond yet concerned face looking down at him.

A frown crossed over Peter's face as he tried to speak but was cut off by a yawn. The concern on Tony's deepened as he lead his kid over to sit on the massive couch.

"When was the last time you got any sleep, Pete?" Peter simply bowed his head and covered another yawn.

"Maybe, like, a couple nights ago?" was his short reply and Friday interrupted to correct him.

"Boss, it's been 28 hours since Peter had 3 hours sleep. Prior to this, he was awake for 31 hours after a 5 hour sleep".

Tony sighed and led his kid up to his bedroom, half dragging him, half forcing him.

"I'm fine, really, just a bit tired. I'm okay, I swear," he mumbled as he was practically pushed into the bed. Tony just shook his head and sat down on the bed next to him.

"Don't talk. Just sleep. Now".

Tony stayed by his side until he eventually settled and turned to leave. He froze when a weak hand caught the back of his shirt and turned to see Peter squinting up at him with a pleading gaze and he didn't have the strength to leave.

Or the want to, at all.

So he let Peter pull him down to lay with him until he slept, humming softly like he would to a child, comforting him when he stirred from the inevitable nightmares that plague his sleep every night.

Peter let him, knowing it was reassuring for both Tony and Peter to have him there with him all night.


That was shit but I'm sick so meh
Imma get back to doing school work now. Byeee....

Love ya's!

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