the video

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-next day-

I sluggishly walked down the hall to my reading class, my eyes were more then just a little puffy and I didn't sleep at all last night, But I was still was forced to come to school. (flash back) your going to school you fucking fag! My fad said as he thru me my backpack, also making me fall on the impact. (end of flash back)

I hate my dad. I mumble under my breath as I sit down on the wooden stool. H-hey Kevin. Nazz waved and smiled shyly at me, before she noticed that I had been crying. what's wrong?? I glanced up at her. she was my best and only friend, she was like my older sister. edd...* whispers *

he's such a dick! nazz yelled clenching her her hair in her fist. why do you even like him?!? w-what?? no I don't!! SHUT UP YOU TWO!!! miss Tucker screamed while slapping a book on her desk.

*time pass*

6 period is almost over, I thought to myself, trying finish my class work. *loud static sound * the class looked up at the TV before a video started playing, it showed Nat and the boy holding the camera walking up to Edward who was leaning agents a oak tree in gym. Edd dropped his notebook only for Nat to pick it up and open it, edd went to pick it up. Sup asslicker, Nat said with a smirk then snapped his fingers. Edds eyes went wide #even the most badass dude in school knows what that means#

two of the school jocks came from behind the tree and took Edd's arms. give it back you foolish son of a bitch! humm nope. Nat thru the book in a puddle- but edd broke loose from the boys grip and punched Nat in the mouth and smirked as he watched him fall, then one of the boys holding Edd kicked him in the stomach *video ends*

he got what was coming to him, Nazz says while twirling her hair. oh my god- I have to go. I walked out of the class room while Nazz gazed at me with a frown.

(sooo tired sorry. please comment*

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