Unexpected Meeting

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*Clara *
The alarm wakes me up and I am disoriented. As I start getting ready for school today I opt for a casual boho Chic look. I apply some light makeup consisting of mascara and lip gloss and head downstairs.
My mother (Not really she adopted me) calls me for breakfast "Clara Honey , breakfast is ready. It's not good to go school on an empty stomach. " I grab a toast and some berries then kiss her goodbye.
Then , I drive my car and head for hell aka Mary's High School. Just as I get out of my car my friend Rachel runs towards me and feeds me with all the juicy gossips I missed yesterday .

As Rachel keeps on talking I walk towards my locker to collect my textbook. As I'm retrieving it I feel like I'm being stared at. Then I turn around and find the most beautiful ocean blue eyes with the thick long eyelashes staring back at me.

As I stand there mesmerized by the enchanting pair of eyes I don't fail to notice the unbelievably handsome face with the dark eyebrows , high cheekbones and the full pink lips. I cannot fathom the beauty he exhibited. His muscles ripped through his shirt and just showed his hunkiness. We stood there standing as we made an eye contact . I slipped deep into his eyes as I am rendered speechless.

Then he shakes his head and smiles. My my ! If only a smile could kill. I'd be dead and buried 6 feet deep. "Hi I'm Zenith", he says. That deep husky voice and thick British accent gives me goosebumps. Okay Clara speak speak speak !!!!! I dive out from his ocean blue eyes and squeak a feeble hello. Oh great she speaks!!! Then he smiles again. Oh my I don't need my heart anyway. Don't need it. Yep confirmed.

As he opens his mouth to speak the bell rings indicating the students to head towards their respective classes. I dash senselessly for my English class and I bump into the familiar broad shoulders and get a whiff of that masculine smell of Gus. He smirks giving me a knowing look. I can see his eyes darken with lust completely aware of me reciprocating it.

As his hand reach my waist I am bewitched under his spell. I bite my lips to hold my smile and then his mouth is on me as we explore each other once again in this "oh so familiar yet oh so new territory" ; our tongues fight for dominance A battle he looses as I slide my hands down his oh so happy trail. I pull out gasping for air and gaze deep into his eyes as he stares back with desire of wanting for more. I know I'm not supposed to do this but I take his hand and guide him to the store room radiating my own lustful desire for him. Like a love sick puppy he follows me without any hesitation. I lock the door ensuring us a private fun time and begin to unbutton his shirt.

Oops Miss Margaret hope you'll excuse my absence.

Hello my lovely muffins! Long time no see huh? I'm sorry for updating after such a long interval. I've been busy with school work and lack of motivation really held me back from posting. I have created an overall sketch of the plot and have a direction to where this story goes. I really appreciate your support and patience folks.

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