1. The Revealing

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Dedicated to my bestie dme4242 for being amazing. Thanks for always supporting me and being there and all that good stuff!!

This is my second book so bear with me. I know Cole is a Texan but for my story he's a New Mexican.

Albuquerque, New Mexico

July 17, 2014

Cole POV

When your parents ask to talk to you, it's usually not a good thing. That's why I was nervous. See, my whole life was them being overprotective. Whenever I tell them to leave me alone, they act very hurt, and I don't know why.

They only ask to talk to me when they're mad at me....usually....so I have a good reason to be nervous.

I was laying on my bed just staring at the ceiling and thinking. My parents had sent me to my room and I could hear quiet mumbles. I know I could technically move out, but for some unknown reason, I stayed.

I decided to text my best friend, who is basically my brother. His name is Will Jay Behlendorf. He had stuck with me through everything, and all my adventures had happened with him.

The only thing is, he lives in Roswell, New Mexico. I live in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Same state, but totally different city!! Distance doesn't stop our friendship though.

While I was scrolling through my contacts, there was a knock on my door. Turning off my phone and hiding it, I pretended to be miserable.

That wasn't hard to do.

"Come in", I reluctantly said.

My parents entered my domain, and sat on my bed, staring at me with worried expressions. I just stared at them, waiting for an answer.

"Umm...Cole--" he was interrupted by my mom.

"Ugh, I'll take it from here", she said. "Cole dear, we have things to tell you, but I think you have things to tell us too", she said, choosing her words carefully.

Uh oh.

"Such as your plans for the future", she continued.

"Why?" I asked.

"Because we're your parents. We deserve to know", my dad said, kind of harshly.

"I want to go to school and become a cop", I confessed.

My parents visibly shuttered, and mom looked like she might cry.

"What is all this about?!" I was so confused.

"Mom?" She didn't look at me.

"Dad?!" He pulled me over to my bed and sat me down. Mom wrapped an arm around my shoulder. My dad took a deep breath...and began.

"Cole...let me show you something."

He left the room and walked down the hallway into the office. I heard a drawer being opening.

Then he came back with a...birth certificate?!

Mom took it from him and looked at it, before handing it to me. What was going on?!

I unfolded it and gasped at what I saw. Some of the information was correct, but my last name and parents' names were different.

The paper shook in my hands, and I struggled to keep myself under control.

"Mom?!" I asked, looking for an explanation.

"I'm so sorry, Cole", she said with tears in her eyes.

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